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After a few hours it's close to the end of my shift, around 6pm. I hear the familiar bell jingle from the door when someone walks in. It's Nny, he had a huge excited grin on his face. "Are ya ready?" He walked up to the counter and leaned on his elbow. "My shift is over in a minute." I look at my watch, 5:57. "I think it'll be alright now." I take off my uniform apron and run around the counter and out the door Nny behind me. I climb into the car and Nny starts it. "Alright, so we're gonna go sneak into a little kids bedroom to hang out?" I say looking at him. "That's pretty much it." He said. We pull into Nnys drive way and sit there a minute. "So do we just go in his window or do we knock and he lets us in or?" I ask unbuckling the seat belt. "He's usually asleep so we'll just sneak in and wake him up." He turned the car off and we get out. "We'll have to wait a little bit to make sure his parents are asleep." He opened the door to his house and I walk inside. "What do ya wanna do till then?" I ask sitting on the couch my legs crossed. "We could watch a movie, I saw on a commercial break that here in a few minutes they were gonna play some movie with Robin Williams in it." He sat down right next to me and turned the tv on. "Wow you really have this night planned out hmm?" I say leaning my head on his shoulder. "A little bit." He said his face turning a little red.

After watching a few movies it's around 11:30 and Squees parents are definitely asleep. We walk out of the house walk up to squees house. "Which window is his?" I ask looking around the side of the house. "That one is the easiest to get to." Nny pointed to a broken window above a garage. "Oh, That's a little high I don't think that I can get up there." I look at Nny. "I can help you. here turn around an face the wall." I look up at the window as Nny picked me by my hips and lifted me to the top of the garage. I climb up and reach my hand down to help Nny up. "Hang on I have my own way of getting up." I back up and watch him run from his house to the garage and climb up the wall of the garage. "That was cool." I say as Nny crawls in through the window to open it enough for me to crawl in after him. "Yeah well I've had some practice." He said helping me through the window. Nny walked up to a bed on the other side of the room. I walk up next to him and see a little by, no older than ten holding a rugged looking teddy bear.

"Hey Squee wake up, come on kiddo wake up." Nny said gently as he lightly shook Squee awake. The little boy opened his wide eyes. he gasped being suddenly awakened. "Nny! You came again!" Squee said excitedly throwing his arms around Nnys neck. "Who's she?" Squee let go of Nny and pointed at me his wide eyes seeming filled with trauma and fear. "This is Y/N my girlfriend." He said sitting down on his knees. I sit down on the floor crossing my legs. "Oh Hi I'm todd, but most people call me Squee." He held his little hand out to shake. I shake his hand. "What would you prefer me to call you?" I ask. "I don't really care." Squee said crossing his legs sitting on his bed. "I'll just call you Todd, so me and Nny have two different names for you." He smiled and nodded. "Okie." He said in a small joyful voice. "Hey do you wanna see something?" Squee said jumping off his bed and running to his closet. "Sure." I say turning to face him. He opened the door and pulled out a bunch of papers, he carried all the papers back towards me and sat down between me and Nny and showed us his stories and drawings.

After an hour or so Squee began to get tired and he had school the next day. We climb out of the window. "Oh yeah, I'm short." I sit on the edge of the garage my legs dangling as Nny climbs down. "Here I'll catch you!" Nny yells as he reached his arms out. I take a deep breath and jump off of the roof of the garage. Nny catches me but falls backwards and throws me by accident. I hit my head on the ground hard knocking me out. Nny sits up and looks at me realizing what happened. "oh shit oh shit, wake up wake up!! Y/N WAKE UP!!" Nny yelled picking me up and shaking me.

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