[17] Miles

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A week passes, and Jasper and I continue to hang out as friends.

Chelsea's words of phases and hormones become truer with every moment I spend with him. I can't believe I ever saw him as more than what he is to me -- a friend, of course. And now that I'm more confident about the terms of our relationship, and I know he is, too, things haven't been so awkward between us. No more long stares, no more forced contact. 

No more strange dreams.

And today, I'm determined to get us on even better terms.

I meet him on his front stoop, but instead of sitting beside him like I usually do, I stand in front of him. He looks up at me, his eyes suspicious. Their brown color turns a shade lighter in the sun -- which I don't notice. Because that would be weird.

"What are you doing?" he asks, tired.

I extend a hand to him. "Come on."

He eyes my outstretched palm. "Come where?"

I shrug, a smile threatening to ruin my straight face. "I don't know. We'll find out."

Jasper glances to his right just as Maybelle emerges from the bushes and curls up on his legs. His gaze lifts, and he fake-pouts. It does something... strange to my heartbeat. "But there's a cat on my lap," he explains, motioning to the ball of fluff purring under his hand. "So how can I go anywhere?"

I reach down to take Maybelle from him, and he glares at me. I pull back. "That was lucky. Good timing--"

"No, she just loves me and wants to take my side." Jasper leans closer to the cat, running gentle fingers along her back. "Isn't that right, Bellie? You love me, don't you?"

The softness in his voice is new to me -- I've never heard him talk like this before. And before I can think too deeply about it, since it doesn't matter, I crouch in front of the two, watching Maybelle's eyes drift closed.

"Maybelle," I call, and her eyes open again. "Maybelle, come here." Her head lifts and turns toward me, and a soft scowl grows across Jasper's face.

"No, no, Maybelle. You're staying right here."

"Come here," I beckon, smirking as her eyes focus on me. "Come here, I have treats for you."

Jasper hurries to cover her ears. "Don't lie to her," he hisses, his eyes slitting--

But it's too late. Maybelle has already pushed to her feet, padding down the concrete stairs to meet me. Jasper huffs and rolls his eyes, and I lift Maybelle in victory, Lion King style.

"She loves me more! She loves me--"

"Don't drop her, Miles," Jasper warns and rises to his feet, watching Maybelle's small body sway in my high grasp. "Please, don't--"

Then the door behind Jasper opens, and we both freeze, our gazes finding each other. Jasper's father emerges from the dark doorway and glares at his son first, then me. Both his white tank top and gray shorts are stained, and his dark hair looks oily, giving the impression that he hasn't... showered. In a few days, at least.

Jasper inches away from me, and I lower Maybelle to my chest, suddenly self-conscious.

"Who is that?" the man growls, his accent much rougher than Jasper's. He lifts a hand to jab a meaty finger at me and keeps his eyes on Jasper, whose expression crumples into one of fear. Before either of us can respond, the man's eyes slide to the cat in my hands. "And why is there vermin on my front porch? Get it away." He stomps toward me, and I bend to drop Maybelle into the grass, where she scampers off. "Who are you?" he asks me, and I catch a blast of beer breath, "and what are you doing on my property?"

I glance between Jasper's wide eyes and his father's bloodshot ones, stuck. I'm usually on good terms with my friends' parents, so... I've never actually been in a situation like this. "Me and Jasper were just..." I glance at my friend over his father's shoulder for help. "Talking about... sports. Current baseball season is... crazy." I laugh awkwardly, trying to diffuse the tension.

Dragging his gaze from my face, the man turns to watch Jasper, who's gone even paler. I start to wonder if I said the wrong thing. "Baseball, eh?" Jasper's chest rises and falls with quickened breaths. "I never could get you into sports. But if you can--" He looks back at me. "Then go right ahead." He lumbers past me, slapping a hand on my back for good measure.

Jasper watches me, stunned, and I take a step toward him. "Jasper?" I ask. "Are you... okay?"

"How did you do that?" he breathes, his gaze slipping past me. "How did he not..."

"Not what?"

Jaspers's brown eyes meet mine as a car parked in the driveway comes to life with a roar. "Nothing. I... never mind." Then he brushes past me, his arm grazing mine. "Come on, then."

I turn. What is happening? "What... where are you going?"

He stops on the pavement, crossing his arms and waiting for me to join him. When I do, he looks up at me, his eyes brightening to that alluring shade of brown. "You said you wanted to go somewhere." An unspoken invitation lingers between his words, one that I accept with a grin.

"Let's go, then."

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