[47] Miles

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"I know you said you like cheese. But I can add all sorts of stuff: veggies, seasonings, meats--" I cut myself off, glancing over at him. "Do you eat meat?"

He nods. "My father would kill me if I didn't."

"Okay. Then I could put any of that, or all, if you want--"

"Miles." Jasper grins, and the sight helps me calm down a little. "You don't have to impress me. Just do what you think will taste good."

I glance down at the toppings I selected, then put away a few and get to work dressing the dough. I smear the sauce across it, then sprinkle on the cheese, my hands acting more on autopilot than anything. It's been a long time since I've really cooked anything like this, but now that I am, I can't believe I ever stopped. It's so validating, knowing that I'm creating something Jasper and I can share and enjoy.

He watches me work from his spot on the counter, and I look for a reason to go over to him. I find a jar of black olives I took out of the fridge -- just in case -- and an idea springs to mind. "Hey, Jas, do you like olives?"

"Mm, I don't know. I haven't had one in a while."

I smile. Perfect. I pluck an olive from the container and walk over to him, carefully stepping into the space between his legs. He lets me in, nervous, and I place my free hand on his waist. I feed him the olive, watching closely as he chews, his gaze darting around the kitchen. 

"It's good." 

I lean in and kiss him, and his reaction is delayed, but still there. His forearms come to rest on my shoulders as he meets me halfway, kissing me back slower than usual. I pull away, amused. "You're really tired, aren't you?"

As if on cue, Jasper yawns. My poor heart can't take much more of his cuteness. "I guess I am."

I kiss him one more time before washing my hands again and heading back to my workstation. I finish scattering the toppings across the pizza and say, "Well, I guess I'd better hurry up and finish this thing before I lose you." I slide the pizza into the oven and set the timer, then turn back to face Jasper. His eyelids are already drooping. As a way to keep him awake, I ask, "Tell me... something I don't know about you."

His lips curl into a smile. Paired with his slitted eyes, he looks kind of evil. "There's a lot about me you don't know."

"Mysterious." I start to clean up my ingredients.

He swings his legs slightly, thinking. "Let's see. I... am an excellent pianist."

I feel my eyebrows rise. "Oh, really?"


"Maybe you can play something for me sometime." 

He smiles. "Maybe. You know, I used to take lessons with Max? That was one thing I learned faster than him." I pause, listening intently. His eyes are downcast, but his voice is bright when he continues, "He hated all of it -- the practicing, the recitals, the sitting still -- but I loved it. I loved how when I first sat down at the bench, my new music would seem foreign, and confusing, but by the time I was finished practicing, I was an expert at it. Or at least familiar. It was... rewarding."

Closing the fridge door for the final time, I chuckle, "Kinda like how I feel about you." When Jasper's eyes only narrow, unsure, I clarify, "When we first met, I saw you as a kind of... challenge. Like a puzzle I had to solve." He frowns, and I come to stand with him again. "But I'm so glad I got to really know you, because now I know you're so much more than that." He smiles, relieved, and I reach out to hold him.

"You just love your hugs, don't you?" Jasper mutters.

I glance down at him, startled. "Do you not... like them?"

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