Chapter 2; New

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First Pov

I woke up to the sound of buses and cars passing outside my window and the bright morning sun shining in my face. I groaned in annoyance and picked up my phone and checked the time.

-7:30 am-

"Fuck. I have school today."

I get up from my bed and open my bedroom curtains and stand in front of my big glass window and look at all the people from my condo leaving for work. I sigh and head to my bathroom. I do my regular morning things, then finally grab my backpack, keys, and both my phones and leave. I get to the ground floor and see my best friend waving at me from the main door outside. I run towards her and hug her.

"Good morning y/n!!"

"Morning Mio."

We broke our hug and made our way to the bus stop, the bus soon came and we got on.

" Yo, y/n isn't your first day at UA, since you transferred?"

" Yeah it is, as much as I protested All-Might never gave up on making me go. So here I am."

" Yeah, he never gave up on that huh? But for real, I'm going to miss hanging out with you at school."

"Same Mio, oh shit! This is my stop bye!"

I waved to her once I get off the bus, and walked into the front entrance of the UA building. Even though I'm older than the first years, I got placed in class 1-A due to how this school works. They make all transfer students start from the beginning, even if they come from a different school, and even if they were in their last year. I walked into the classroom and every student looked at me.

Jeez, I feel like an animal at the zoo.

I rolled my eyes and walk over to Aizawa's desk.

"Hey, Aizawa."

He unzips his sleeping bag and stands in front of the class. I follow behind him and stand to the side as he begins.

" As I said yesterday we will be having a new student. She's older than all of you so be respectful. She's here in this class due to the school rules about transfer students. Y/n introduce yourself." I look back to the class, take my backpack off and stand up straight.

"Y/n Acnologia, daughter of the world-renowned villain Acnologia. Quirk: dragon slayer king. Basically, it's a power that is meant to slay dragons."

As soon as I finished talking everyone in the class started talking and asking me questions but I couldn't answer because of how many people were talking at once.

" Everyone settle down if u have questions ask her later, class is starting now. Y/n go sit down behind Midoriya." I go and sit behind the kid called Midoriya. Aizawa continues to talk about the schedule for today after every student told me their name. The day goes by pretty fast and it's already lunch, I headed to the cafeteria, but I got stopped by Mina.

"Hey, y/n right? Wanna join these guys and me for lunch?!" She says in a happy tone as she points to the table with Bakugo, Kirishima, Denki, and Jiro.

"Sure why not."

She smiles and pulls me to the table. I sit next to her and Jiro as the boys sit across from us. Before I can start eating, Bakugo starts with his shit.

"Why the hell is she sitting here? Hey you, sit somewhere else, like with Deku and those losers!!"

"Who put a stick up your ass huh, I just want to eat my food! If you wanna fight we can do that after I eat."


The boys grab him before he could jump over the table and hold him in place. All of us besides Bakugo tried to hold our laughs in but we were not very good at it. He just yelled at us to shut up, but it only made it funnier. Our laughing fit was interrupted when my phone went off. I take out my smartphone from my pocket and look at the caller id.

Tartorors prison.

I smile at the call. Mina notices and comments on it.

"Smiling at your phone, is it your boyfriend??!!" She says with a mischievous smile on her face. I laugh her off as I get up from the table.

"Aha, no it's my dad," I say with half a smile. She then gives me a sympathetic smile in return as I turn to leave the lunchroom.


I'm just outside the lunch room in the courtyard at the entrance to UA. I open my phone and call back the prison. After two rings the other line answers, my dad booms through the phone as he answers.


"Hey dad, I'm good how are you? Are they feeding you in there? They better be, if mom finds out they aren't, she would have a field day with them!" I laugh at the end as he joins in with me.

"Yeah, I'm doing just fine, oh, and tell my wife I still love her! Aha, All-Might came over yesterday and told me you're going to UA now? Training to capture big, bad, villains like me."

I laugh at what he said "Yup yup old man, but there ain't no villains as great as you!!" I finish as I make my way over to a bench near the front gate of UA and sat down.

"HELL YEAH, THERE AIN'T!!! No one is as big and bad as the GREAT ACNOLOGIA. Oh and don't go getting a boyfriend when I haven't broken out yet, you hear me!"

"Uh-huh, sure yeah," I say as I look over to the front gate. I see someone in all black approaching the gate. I lean a little off the bench to get a better look at the person. The person then blends into the crowd of reporters here to get a look at All-Might. I frown and sit back on the bench in annoyance. Then remembering what my dad had just said.

"Dad!! you can't just say that these phone calls are being listened to your ganna get in trouble-"

As soon as I say that an officer cuts into the phone call, "Mr. Acnologia that strike three for today, we're going to have to restrict your phone call privileges. I'm sorry Miss. Acnologia but were going to have to end the call here, say goodbye now"

"Damn oops."

"I told you this would happen, sometimes you're such an idiot, bye dad."

"If I wasn't in here I would hit you for that- ahaha bye dragon."

"Please stop calling me that, old man bye"

"No way, bye."

I laugh to myself as I end the call and then look back to where I saw that person. To my surprise their right in front of the gate, they pull their hand out from their pocket and touch the gate. Right before my eyes, the entrance gate disintegrates. The press walks in, as the school alarm goes off. At that moment, I look back at the person responsible, and I get a quick glance at him. Light blue hair and a scar on the side end of his lip. He then just walks away as if nothing happened.

What's your motive? Who are you?

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