Chapter 5; My message

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First Pov

After shigaraki disappeared into the warp gate all the heroes and police came in and put the remaining villains into custody. The chief policeman then told us how Aizawa and 13 aren't in any death-threatening conditions and that all might is alright and is still in the nurse's office. Midnight then gathered all of class 1-A and put us on a bus back to the main school building. Most of the parents came to pick up their kids after hearing what happened, once I saw that all my classmates got picked up I grabbed my things and began to leave campus.

" y/n wait!"

I turn around to see all might speed walking towards me. I stop walking and wait for him to walk on over to me before saying anything.

" y/n let me walk you home."

I sigh.

"All might I can go home by myself just fine, you need to see recovery girl asp. You don't need to worry about me, plus you have like every hero and spy following me and watching my every move." I say with a laugh.

He looks at me with sympathy and says, " y/n you know I do that bec-"

I cut him off " No I get it, it's fine all might. Just.. take care of yourself."

I may sound like I care but I still have a grudge against him for what he did.

He finally agrees and heads back inside the school as I may my way home.


For the next couple of days what happened at ua was all over the news. They decided to call it the usj incident. The press was all over the school for a couple of days, but it soon died down and everything went back to normal. Well, kind of. I found that there were more people watching me than normal. 

It can't be the people who all might has following me. They usually stop watching me after 6 pm, but then who are thoughts people watching me from my window for the last couple of days?  could it be shigaraki's doing?? ughhh whatever.

I pull away from my thoughts as I bring my attention to Aizawa who's talking about how the sports festival is around the corner. everyone starts getting super hyped up about it till they realize that we just got attacked by villains not even two weeks ago. I cut in and ask what everyone is thinking.

"Aizawa didn't we just get attacked my villains not even two weeks ago? please don't tell me the board actually agrees to still hold the sports festival?"

"apparently the board thinks it is a way of showing that the school is as safe and strong as ever. Plus they will be upgrading the security as well, this event is a big opportunity for all students in UA. It's not something we can cancel due to villains."

Mineta then asks "I'm sorry but why not? it's just the sports festival." Deku then turns around and explains it to him as I set between them annoyed.

Aizawa picks up where he left off "The sports festival event is the most-watched event on tv in the world, in the past, everyone was obsessed with the Olympic games. But the quirks started appearing now the Olympics is least viewed. for anyone interested in competition there's only one competition that matters. UA's sports festival."

Momo adds that it's very important for getting scouted, Aizawa confirms what she says and goes into more detail about popularity and status, and being scouted is the best way to ever go pro. I cut in and ask.

"I would like to not take part in the sports festival."

Everyone looks at me in shock and Aizawa answers me.

"As far I know everyone has to talk part in the sports festival you would have to talk to the principal about that."

"Okay, sir." he then goes on to continue with what he originally was talking about. 

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