Chapter 10; Bar by the Ocean

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Second Pov

12:30 am

Your phone buzzes on your nightstand for god knows how long ripping you away from your much-deserved sleep. You groan, rolling to your right nightstand and turning it off. You roll onto your stomach with your face in a pillow drifting back to sleep. Little did you know that the person on the other line does not like being ignored.

"Why the hell isn't she answering!"

"Maybe she's just busy or sleeping."

Shigaraki was sitting at the bar with his phone in his hand as he aggressively scratched at his neck trying to finger out why you weren't answering your phone. kurogiri tried to keep him calm and give him good reasons as to why but shigaraki was just getting more annoyed.

"But she always answers my call and she usually picks up fast."

"If you're so worried about why she's not answering just go see her."

"I'm not worried."


They both go quiet for a couple of minutes until shigaraki finally speaks.

"Fine, open a warp gate to her house."

Shigaraki gets up from his seat at the bar and walks to the warp gate kurogiri made. He walks through the warp gate and is met with your room. He walks over to your bed to find you fast asleep in it. He lets out a breath of relief he didn't even know he was holding.

He sets on the edge of the bed and gently shakes your shoulder while calling your name. After a couple of shakes on your shoulder, you let out a groan and turn onto your back. You let out a yawn and start rubbing your eyes. You open your eyes to see shigaraki setting next to you on the edge of your bed, you smile up at him.

"Hey handsome, wasn't expecting to see you when I woke up. Not complaining though."

He rolls his eyes and tries to stop the smile from creeping onto his face.

"So what made you want to come and see me?"

"I was calling you doll and you weren't answering so I come to see why."

He says as he twirls a piece of your hair with his figure. He looks from the piece of hair around his figure and locks eyes with you. You could feel your face getting hot due to how hot he looked looking down at you. You quickly broke eye contact with him and say.

"I see well if you still want to buy me that drink, you're going to have to move."

Without saying anything he moves so you can pull the brackets off. You swing your feet off the bed and walk over to your dresser and look through all your drawers only pulling out what you're going to wear, you pull out your favorite pair of shorts and t-shirt.

"I will be right back, oh, and don't leave this room there are camera's in the rest of my apartment."

"Cameras? just because you are a daughter of a villain. Ah, assholes."

"Yep real pieces of shit."

You quickly change in the bathroom and then return to your bedroom. You close the door behind you and walk over to your closet and take out a pair of sandals and a leather jacket quickly putting them on.

"Okay, let's go."

" What's the address?"

He asks as he takes out his phone and calls kurigiri. You tell him the address and you hear him tell kurogiri, a warp gate soon opens up in your room. You quickly grab both your phones and wallet then walk through the warp gate with him.

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