Chapter 6; His call

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Frist Pov

I'm blasting music from my tv and doing homework when my burner flip phone goes off. I smile at the phone knowing it can only be two people who can call me on this phone. I pick up the flip phone and stand up. I look at the caller id unknown, I quickly answer.

"I wasn't expecting you to call so soon, did you really miss me that much?" I teste.

"no. I called because I want to meet and talk in person."

"uh-huh right, when then?" I ask as I walk onto the balcony with my drink in hand as I lean over the railing.

"Right now."


"Look down."

I look down from the balcony at a figure dressed in all black in the middle of the sidewalk that goes from my building to the bus stop just up the street. He looks up at me as the wind blows the hood of his head as he still holds his phone up to his ear.

"Well okay I'm coming down."

I flip the phone shut and run in putting my drink down and put my shoes on. Then run back onto the balcony quickly jumping off and using  my quirk to break the fall.

As soon as feet touch the ground i speed walk over to him, stopping once we are in front of each other. Quickly putting my flip phone in my right bra. He gives me a weird look for doing that but doesn't comment on it.

"Why the hell didn't you just use the elevator?" he says rolling his eyes at me.

"Because that wouldn't be as badass." I shrug as I start speed walking in front of us. He quickly match my speed and said.

"Relax, princess we're in no rush."

I pose and turn to face him, "Did you just flirt with me-"

I was cut off by my neighbour Mrs.wendell who lives right next to me. She called out to me from her balcony.

"OH y/n! what are you doing outside so late at night?"

As soon as I hear her voice I pull shigaraki's hood over his head to make sure she can't see his face. Before I could answer she takes notice of him.

"Oh sneaking out to see your boyfriend dear?"

"You caught me Mrs.Wendell!"

"Well don't worry dear if anyone asks I got your back."

"Thanks Mrs.wendell your the best!"

She finally walks back into her apartment, I sigh and turn back to shigaraki.

"This place doesn't seem like best place to talk." He says tralling at the end.

"Yeah it's not, got a place in mind?"

" yeah."

He pulls his phone out and dials a number. I can hear the person on the other line pick up. Shigaraki then quickly grabs my hand with three fingers and pulls me in the opposite direction of my apartment building. He mumbles into the phone then hangs up soon a warp gate opens a little in front of us. He then pulls me through the gate with him.

I open my eyes to a dimly lit bar and a warm breeze welcomes me. He let's go of my hand and walks over to the bar taking a set. I take a quick glance around the room and walk over to the bar. I take a seat next to him and the warp gate guy asks me a question as he passes a drink to shigaraki.

"Would you like a drink miss Acnologia?"

"Sure and your name?"


I hum in acknowledgement and bring my attention back to shigaraki how's staring into space with his glass of whiskey in his hand. I guess he could feel me looking and he glances at me.

"If you keep staring at me like that your going to start burning holes in my head."

I roll my eyes as kurogiri slides me a shirley temple. I raise my eyebrow at him and ask.



My favorite type.

Shigaraki cuts in as I take a sip of my drink.

"I brought you here because I want you to join the league of villains."

I scoff.

"And why do you think I would want to join?"

"I wouldn't ask if I didn't know you wouldn't want to join."

I go quit and drink my shirley temple in thought.

He's not wrong I have everything to gain from joining. Plus, if they actually take down all might my dad can get out of jail without worrying about all-might. There's one problem...

Who is above shigaraki. There's no way he's doing this myself, someone as to be funding him.

You know what fuck it if I gain something then I gain something.

"Okay why not I'll join. But what's my job exactly?"

"Great, i want you to spy for me. Report anything that could be important. I also want you to take part in the sports festival."

"That's it, nothing more fun? Well whatever, you better give me fun jobs later on and why exactly the sports festival."

He hoofs and looks at me like I asked a dumb question.

"I can't have you looking suspicious to the heros."

I swig in my stool so that I am facing him. He slightly moves to that he's facing me more.

"Alright I will comply to your request. But if I win the sports festival you have to buy me a drink at a place of my choosing."

I say while slightly nudging him with my finger in middle of chest with a sly smirk on my face. He grabs my hand abruptly holding it tight but not enough to hurt me. A sly smirk of his own grows onto his face as he leans in to answers me.

"Done deal, but I beat you won't win."

I pull my hand way from his hold and shake it.

"Ouch." I say in a sarcastic playful tone.

I get up and walk away from the bar stool as kurogiri opens a warp gate for me. Mid walk I stop and look over my shoulder saying.

"Oh and it's best for you and me if you don't tell however is funding you that I joined."

"Fine, but you still haven't told me what all might did for you to not like the guy."

" I guess that your just gonna have to wait until next time, bye handsome."

He watches as she finishes answering his question and blowing an air kiss his way before walking into the warp gate and out of his sight. He turns around in his seat and takes the last swing of his whiskey in thought.

What in the world makes her so intriguing and cute to me?
God that must me the liquor talking.

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