Chapter 9; Number One

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First Pov

I rub my eyes to see if I'm seeing things but the guy was still there went I open my eyes.

could it be him? what if it's someone else?

I try to get a better look but I couldn't, I then noticed his shoes.

Red shoes.

That has to be him,

A strong breeze blows by me and I smell a hint of vanilla. I get up ignoring mio asking where I'm going and make my way over. He was leaning on the reeling looking down at the fight when I walked up to him. I lean on the reeling joining him.

"Wasn't expecting you to show up, here to watch me win?" I say in a teasing manner as I glance at him.

"Mhm maybe, maybe not." He says as he met my eyes, I scoff.

"Well, you should prepare your wallet bec I'm differently going to win. Ooh and don't stay too long, you attract attention being in all black and stuff."

"I was about to leave when you showed up. How did you know it was me anyway?"

I avoid his gaze as I look down at the fight coming to a close. I give him a one-word answer.


Percent mic announced the next fight I was up next again. I look at him, he was avoiding my eyes as he looked anywhere but at me. I looked closer at his face and I could see a hit of pink on his cheeks and at the ends of his ears.

Was he blushing because of what I said?

I let out a little laugh at the thought. He hears me and gives me an irritated look.

" Well I'm up next, don't forget to cheer me on."

I say as I turn around to make my way to the arena.

Shigaraki's Pov

I watch as she disappears from my line of sight.

That woman always has something to say that either has me acting abnormally or renders me speechless.

I push my thoughts aside and bring my attention to what present mic is explaining.

"The next match is Katski bakugo vs Shoto todoroki also vs Y/n acnologia!! this year we are doing a three-matched battle!!"

I watch them walk onto the arena as the bell rings symbolizing that the fight has begun. Surprisingly they don't start fighting it looks like they're talking. y/n turns around and walks away giving space for bakugo and todoroki to fight each other as she sets on the ground and watches them.

"What's this!! bakugo and todoroki are going at it while y/n watches?!" 

Present mic yells through the speakers. 3 minutes go by as ice and explosions go off, y/n finally stands up just when both todoroki and bakugo decide to both attack her. She runs towards them, todoroki goes to freeze her feet but she jumps and gets hit by an explosion to the side of her arm.

She roundhouse kicks bakugo which looks like her quirk on the end of her foot, she goes to turn around but her foot is frozen to the floor. todoroki goes to fully freeze her in her spot but gets grabbed by her and gets headbutted straight in the face. she frees her foot and jumps a good couple of meters into the air just avoiding bakugo's explosion. She then punishes the air making herself spin and face down at the boys. 

My eyes widen at the realization of what she's about to do. I look at the kids under her, anyone could tell that they both realized it too but it was too late for them to block or outrun her next attack. Before the rest of the audience could even comprehend what was about to happen she makes her move.

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