Chapter 4; Kiss mark

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Shigaraki's Pov


I look away from Aizawa and to the girl who just yelled, she's taking down at least ten people at a time and is making her way over to Aizawa. 

How does she have such a powerful quirk, I've never seen anything like it. It's pissing me off. Just who the hell is she?? and why didn't I know she would be here?! there's no way she's a student, no student is that strong and is only just starting attending ua. If this keeps up she's going to ruin my plans!!

I'm pulled from my thoughts when I hear one of my men say.

"Oh shit, it can't be she's not supposed to be at this school!"

one of the other men as what he means.

"I can recognize those moves anywhere that's the daughter of Acnologia we're so fucked."

Acnologia? never of them.

I focus back on Aizawa and after a couple of minutes, I rush him.

Frist Pov

I nock out a girl that's blocking me from getting to Aizawa, when I look up he's fighting the blue-haired guy. it looks like Aizawa's elbow is spelling off, I start running towards them but is blocked yet again by villains and by the time I am done with them I see something I wasn't expecting. 

Aizawa is on the floor having his head bashed into the ground by a monster. My eye widened in shock as I push off the ground and propel myself toward him and the monster. I quickly close the distance and land a punch to its ribs.

"Dragon slayer king secret art; POWER OF THE END!!!"

It goes flying back a couple of feet.

It is not dead.


what did I do wrong?

cut it out, this isn't the time for this!

I turn around to see the blue-haired guy about to touch Deku's face. I'm horrified before I knew it. I ran and jumped. I grabbed the guy, and we went rolling away from the kids, I brought my attention to the guy. With the momentum, I swing myself so that I'm on top of him and give him a quick slap to the face then quickly turn him over and bind his hands behind his back with me on top of him. Once he recovered from his dizziness, he turned his face so that he could see me with his one eye that was facing up. 

"Get off me,"

"No, it's actually really nice up here, plus I gotta at least look like I'm going to capture you and turn you in."

He then touches my hand with his fingers waiting for my hand to disintegrate. It doesn't, and he looks at me with an annoyed look on his face. I laugh at him.

"Yeah, sorry, that's not going to work on me."

"Yeah, why not?"

"I can absorb quirk energy from far away, but especially up close, I can even kill someone by taking their quirk energy this close. Usually, I prefer to kiss my opponent if my intention is to kill them or see what their quirk energy tastes like."

"What? that makes no sense. Quirk energy doesn't have a taste."

"You sure about that? because I'm pretty sure they do, and now you got me curious what yours taste like." I say as I lean in and kiss his cheek then pull away, looking at the kiss mark my lipstick left. 

"Well, that's new. You taste the same as you smell handsome."

"I don't smell."

"Yes, you do, you... you smell like vanilla."  He just looks at me, which makes me feel embarrassed.

"Can you stop looking at me like that-"

I suddenly feel the warp gate guy behind me, but then Bakugo comes out of nowhere and attacks the warp gate that was about to attack me from behind. then, not even two seconds later, all might shows up. He then starts fighting the monster. I roll my eyes at All-might showing up.

"Aha, here he is to show off all his mightiness. Man, he's so fucking annoying."

"Aren't you supposed to be like his fan or something? aren't you a hero or whatever?"

I look back down at him with a weird look and say, "I may look like a hero student but I never in my life wanted to be one, All might is the one forcing me to be to become one. how I ended up with all might is a long story that I don't have time to tell right now."

"If we ever met in the future will you tell me?"

"Ahaha! sure that's if we're not having to fight each other."

"Sounds like a plan,"

"Sounds like a date."

Our attention is drowned back to all might fighting the monster thing. Sadly for the monster, all might's punch sends it flying out of the usj. I quickly suck one bakugo's quirk energy, making him lose his grip on the warp gate, which makes the warp gate open a gate under him. I look down at him and smile as he slowly starts to disappear from under me.

"Oh, before you go, what's your name?"

"What's your name?"

We say at the same time. I scoff at him in a playful way.

"Y/n Acnologia."

"Tomura Shigaraki."

"Well, see you around handsome."

He rolled his eyes at me and then completely disappeared into the warp gate.

Shigaraki's Pov

I fall from the warp gate onto the couch that's in the base, I sigh, getting up and walking over to one of the stoles in front of the bar.

"Kurogiri, get me a glass of whisky."

He looks at me to nod but stops and looks at my face for a little longer than I'd like.

"What?? got something on my face??" I scoff at him. He poss then says, "In fact, you do tomura on your left cheek." He turns around to make my drink. "What?" I then remember earlier. I just sigh in annoyance. kurogiri then turns around and gives me my drink. 

"Not going to whip it off??"

I don't answer him and down my drink.

"Kurogiri, get as much info you can from Giran on y/n Acnologia."

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