Chapter 11; Information

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First Pov

y/n... y/n.. y/n!! 

"Huh?" I jolt awake and see mina in front of me holding my shoulder.

Where am I? oh right I'm at school I must have dozed off in class because I was out all night with shigaraki.

"Oh sorry, I must have dozed off. It's been hard to get sleep lately."

"Oh don't worry about it! Aizawa should be coming in soon so I just wanted to wake up before you got in trouble."

"You're a lifesaver mina thank you!!"

"no problem!"

Before we could further a conversation Aizawa walked into the classroom. Everyone ran to their seats and wait for what he was going to say.

"For today we are going to be picking code names for your hero identity."

Everyone starts getting excited and they all start yelling about how it's going to be totally awesome. Aizawa then tells everyone to settle down so he can continue what he was going to say.

"This is related to the hero draft picks I talked about before, normally students don't have to worry about the draft yet not until their second or third year here. But your class is different in fact extending this offer to you first years, is like investing in your potential to the heroes. "

"So basically we still have to prove ourselves after we are recoded then?" I ask.

"Yes, here are the totals for you who got offers. Before it used to be more speed out but there's a pretty big gap this year around." He says as he points to the board with the chart displaced on it. Everyone read the board and talked a must themselves.

Wasn't expecting todoroki to be the one with the most offers since I came in first but I guess some heroes don't want the daughter of a big bad villain to intern under them. Juz this is why I can't stand some heroes they make me sick.

Aizawa then continues, "Despite what is on the board you all will be interning under a hero, even those who didn't get any offers. Since all of you have already experienced combat with real villains during the usj incident but it will still help to see heroes work up close and personal in the field firsthand."

deku then adds "So that's why we need hero names?"

"Yes and make sure you take your time picking one because that is what you could be stuck with for the rest of your hero career." Aizawa finishes as he hands us whiteboards to write it down.

Aizawa gave us about thirty minutes to come up with a name and at some point, midnight come into the class to help out Aizawa with the proses of picking hero names. After our thirty minutes were up we had to present our names to the class. 

I hate this why do we have to present it to the class?? ughh I'm not going first that's for sure.

After everyone else went it was finally my turn.

it would be a perfect time for shigaraki's quirk to work on me, I would love to disintegrate right now.

"Alright, y/n your up next." midnight calls to me. I get up and walk to the front and but my whiteboard facing the class.

"My hero name is Dragon slayer queen; nirvana."

"That's an interesting choice, I like it!"

I nod to midnight and go back to my desk and wait for what Aizawa has to say.

"Now with that out of the way we can focus back on talking about your upcoming internships. They will last for one week, though for who you will be working with. Those who are on the board will pick from their list, those who aren't will-"

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