chapter 13; Get up and start

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Second Pov

You unlock the door to your apartment and walk in, throwing your school bag on the floor.

That was the most tiring day of my life. Bakugo wouldn't stop yelling the whole day, mina burned a hole in my uniform shirt, and I almost dropped my work phone in the school's sink. Ugghhh.  And I planned on going to the bar today to get that information for shigaraki, but I'm just so tired.

You think as you walk over to your bedroom. As soon as you enter your room, you quickly change out of your uniform and into one of your favorite outfits. Now, in clean new clothes, you lay down on your bed and think to yourself.

"Okay, ask ren to give me information on villains currently looking for part-time and permanent work. Then grab some food to go, come back, eat, and go to sleep. Yap, that sounds like a plan." You plan outloud to yourself.

Not wasting any time you walk out of your bedroom and grab your keys and two phones. You stop at your door feeling like you're forgetting something. It takes you about 5 minutes to remember your helmet, so you quickly go into your coat closet and grab it. Making your way down the parking lot.

It only takes you about 40 minutes to get to the red right hand. You park your motorcycle and make your way over to the bar.  You walk in and notice that the bar is packed with people, so you quickly make your way behind the bar and log in your shift as ren surves some customers. You go in the back and grab a bib apron and put it on. Walking back to the bar, Ren is there making a drink. You walk over to him to take advantage of the opportunity to ask him to get you the information you need.

Ren notices you coming over, smiles, and says, " Great timing. I was just wondering if you were going to come in today."

"Well, I did say I was coming, but I also have something I want you to do for me." You say trilling off at the end.

He sighs and turns to face you, "Alright what is it?"

" Okay, so I need you to get information on villains that are looking for work, part-time or a full time works." You answer him.

Ren nods his head and walks into the back, heading for the office floors in the building. Now alone behind the bar, you notice a customer walking in. You smile as you realize who it is and walk over to him, not forgetting to grab a menu before going over. The man notices you approaching him, and a shit eating grin crosses his face.

"If it isn't the little lady, I haven't seen you in a bet." He says to you.

"Oh come on, muscular, it's only been a week. Come on, let's get you a sest." You say motioning in the direction of a free table. He nods his head, you activate your quirk quickly, socking his quirk energy away, making him a normal sized man. He sits down at the table, and you turn to ask him.

"What can I get you today muscular?"

"I will have the usual but with a Mexican bulldog."

"Alright, it will be right over." You say with a smile.

This is perfect muscular is always looking for work so I can ask him if he interested  in the job. He's not going to be a permanent member if he joins because he never works with people more then two times, so maybe shigaraki could use him for one big job or something.

You think as you walk into the back where the kitchen is. You write down muscular's order and stick it were all the other orders go before heading back to the bar. You walk behind the counter and notice that a customer's drink is empty. you walk over and ask, "would you like a refill?"

"Yes, if you don't mind, but y/n I haven't seen you in a while? I was wondering where you ran off, too." He says to you.

You are confused at first, but then you recognize his voice. It was Mr. Compress just without his mask on. He wasn't a regular, but when he did come, you two would have the most interesting conversations, which usually got you in trouble with Ren because you would stop surviving the other costomers.

"Compress. I almost didn't recognize you for a second there." You say laughing a little as you take his cup and turn around to make his drink. As you make his drink, you answer his previous question.

"You know you're the second person today who said that to me. But yes, some stuff happened, which made it hard for me to come to the bar. But what about you? Did you come in only for a drink or for work?"

"Both this time, the last job didn't end well." He says to as you turn around and hand him a glass of red wine.

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. You know what? I have a job that wants permanent members. I can say that their way better than your last people for sure. I can mention you if you like." You say leaning on the counter. He takes a sip of his drink thinking before answering you. " Yes, be a dear and do that for me, love."

You laugh to yourself because you notice that whenever he likes your ideas, he refers to you as love or little lady. He's quite the strange guy at times.

"Will do, but I got to go surve this other guy his food before he get unpleasant."

"Go along then y/n we can talk another time." He says, waving you away. You walk into the kitchen, grab muscular's food, drink, and corona bottle. Walking over to his table, you place his food down, drink and quickly open his Corona and place it upside down his cup. 

Now taking the opportunity ask him " So there's a group that wants someone for a big job their going to be doing and I thought you would be perfect for it do you want me to mention you?"

"The little lady has never given me a job I didn't enjoy, so hell yeah, do that." He says before eating his food. You walk back to the bar when Ren comes back from the office upstairs. He walks over to you and hands you a big paperwork envelope. Telling you that those are a good handful of villains looking for work.

"Thank you ren, but question. Is muscular and Mr. compresses files in here as well??"

"Your good there info is on there." He says, tying back on his bib apron. You smile and give him a quick hug before taking off your apron and running in the back, and grabbing some food to take home. You say goodbye to compress, ren, and muscular before walking back to your motorcycle and driving home.

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