Chapter 12; Pop-up visits

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First Pov

It's 11:31 p.m., and I have been lying in bed, contemplating whether or not if I should get up and get water or stay in my bed. I'm so dry that I can feel the whole inside of my throat every time I breathe in.

You know what? I am just going to get up. I can't take any more of this agony.

I throw my blanket off my body and get out of the bed, slowly making my way over to the kitchen, not caring to turn on any of the lights to spare myself the eye pain. I walk over to the sink and turn the tap on, and grab a cup from the dish rack. Quickly filled it with water and chugged it, then refilled it, doing the same with it. I put the cup in the sink and turned the tap off.

"It's oddly cold tonight. Usually, it's really hot, especially at this time of night. Know I regret wearing shorts...
I think I have some pajama pants in my closet."

I think walking back to my bedroom. I open my door and see a warp gate opening close to the end of my bed. I quickly shut the door behind me and press my back up against the wall adjacent to the door, braising myself for whoever is about to come into my room.

After what felt like forever, which was probably only two seconds, someone stumbles out of the warp gate. They regain their balance and look at my bed, then they take notice of my presents and look at me. All I could see were red eyes looking dead at me, and that's when it clicked.

"Oh god tomura you scared the shit out of me! What are you doing here?"

I ask as I feel the stress leave me. But that's when I noticed he was breathing quite heavily and that I could smell blood on him.

"I can smell blood are you alright?? You don't look too good-"

I cut my sentence short when I see him about to fall. I quickly run over and grab his shoulders to stop his fall. He regains his balance again and I pull my hands away feeling something wet on them. I look down at them, they were covered in blood. I look back at him, but he wouldn't look me in the eye.

"Your bleeding tomura you have to let me look at your wounds."


"Okay, I need to go grab the first aid kit."

I walk to the door and notice him following me, I stop and face him.

"You can't follow me, tomura."

"Why not?"

He asks looking at me with a little bit of anger in his eyes, I could tell today wasn't his day and he just wanted to follow me but I can't let us be caught on camera.

So I walk over to him and cup his face in my hands and lean my forehead against his and tell him.

"There are cameras all over the apartment and I can't risk us being caught on camera, sorry I will be right back." I finish letting go of his face.

He sighs and takes off his hood and sets on the edge of the bed.

"Ah, they really treat you like a villain, no sense of privacy huh. What real assholes."

"Ah, yeah they act as if they're crazy controlling parents." I finish saying opening the door as we both chuckle at my comment.

I flick the light on my way into the room with the first aid kit in hand and quickly close the door behind me. I notice that he wasn't setting on the bed anymore and see him looking at a picture of me with the school nurse in middle school.

I smile at the thought of the day I took that picture. But I push the thought aside and set down on the carpet just in front of my bed. He looks at me as if he's questioning why I'm setting on the floor.

𝐁𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐖𝐡𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 {.𝐒𝐡𝐢𝐠𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐤𝐢}Where stories live. Discover now