chapter 14; In that small room

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Third POV

You were sitting in your room on your bed reading the great gatsby which present mic had assigned you earlier that day. But for some reason, you couldn't focus on reading the damn book because your mind kept thinking about when you should give shigaraki the information. It's been two days since you went to the bar to get the villain profolos. Every day you keep that information on person, the greater the change someone finds it.

Ugh, I don't know what to do. Should I just text him to come and get it all ready? It's not like I didn't already text him saying I have it for him. You know what fuck men and their ghosting shit. I have other things to worry about like reading this book.

It takes you about an hour to get into the book and just when you are enjoying the book. Your burner phone starts ringing on your nightstand. You grab your phone and sigh before flipping it open and answering it.

"Hey what are you wearing?" shigaraki's voice says coming through the phone.

You hang up.

Who does he think he is asking me that, the nerve of this guy.

For the next 10 minutes, he continues to call you and text you almost breaking your phone. Now very annoyed you answer his call.

"What do you want shigaraki?"

"I asked because your costume came in, come here and try it on. Don't forget the information."

"God you're annoying today," you mumble.


"Nothing, I will be over in a minute,"

You mumble some swear words as you get off your bed and grab the envelope. Your phone pings with a message, you take your phone off your bed and check the text. "Walk into the warp gate." confused you look up from your phone and see a warp gate opening in your room. you get up and walk through the warp gate. On the other side of the warp gate you're greeted by the same small dimly lit bar from before, you walk towards the bar and notice kurigiri behind it. You smile at him, "hey do you now where shigaraki is?" He puts down the glass cup he was cleaning and points to the door just to the left of you.

"He's in his room, it just down the hall It's the fourth door on your right."

You thank him and walk through the door, down the stairs and walk towards the door. You notice that the door is half open, so you open it the rest of the way. You notice shigaraki sitting on a bin bag across from a TV that is off to the right of the room. He glances at you motioning you to come closer with his game controller still in his hand. You walk over and sit next to him, glancing around the room, taking note of where everything is. The bathroom door was to the right of the entry door and the bed right behind where you and shigaraki sit on the bin bag. Bring your attention back to him you hand over the envelope to him and he pauses his game which looked like some type of apocalypse game.

"These are some villains looking for a job. Like for example, compress likes long term. And here look muscular likes doing one big main jobs. Some of these are not as well known though." You explain pointing at a few different profiles as he shifts through them.

"Yes some of these are useful." He says reading one if the villains profile. You hum in response as you pick up the game controller. And fumble with the buttons trying to figure out how to play. You start to get a hang of it but soon died by a mob of zombies. Which a annoyed you so try again to survive but die another two times. You being so determined to win you totally forget that shigaraki is beside you. When you die for the four time you hear him laugh at you.

"You suck at this."

You look at him a give him unpleased look.

"Maybe if someone would explain how im supposed to win maybe I wouldn't die."

𝐁𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐖𝐡𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 {.𝐒𝐡𝐢𝐠𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐤𝐢}Where stories live. Discover now