Chapter 16; Exterior patrols and little in counters

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Second POV

The first week of internship was going by fast for you. It was Thursday already and you were on your morning patrol as it seemed fly had noticed your lack of wanting to be up early in the morning. So he step you up for the first patrol of the day to "help fix your sleeping schedule." You were now regretting choosing him as your hero to intern under as you walked the streets of Hosu. The morning air was cold as the sun was warm.

You kept to the sides of the streets with the sunlight shining on them as your hero costume exposed most of your stomach and the cold was getting to you. The mornings were peaceful in Hosu compared to around UA. Which you liked quite a bit, as you walked you stopped by a cafe as it come routine for you the last three days. The cafe was big but the same girl would always behind the counter. She smiled to you as you ordered your usual. You waited on the other end of the counter as you looked at your phone to see if shigaraki had texted you at all. Nothing, no notifications.

You told yourself you won't worry or care if a man ever texted you and here you are doing that exact thing. You mentally sigh and roll your eyes putting your phone back in your pocket which made your hip scarf jingle.

I don't know why I'm bothered by this like come on girl get your shit together. If he wanted to he would, just because he flirts with me doesn't mean he has to act like my boyfriend. Jeez, I really need to stop thinking about him... I need to get back to the agency before fly realizes I make coffee stops during my patrols.

The girl passed your drink across the counter to you pulling you from your thoughts. You thank her as you take it, leaving the cafe walking back on the streets of Hosu. You're about two blocks away from the agency and half finished your drink when you feel like someone is following you. You figure it's either someone who saw you on tv or someone who's nosey as your clothes aren't exactly native. It's doesn't start to worry you tell they follow for longer than normal, you pick up the pace as you walk. You quickly decide to turn around to see who is following you. But when you do you see no one, confused you stand there for a moment.

I swear there was someone there...oh what the hell.

As you go to turn around to leave someone grabs you pulling you into an small alleyway. You let out a scream as you didn't expect it and you didn't even hear them come up behind you. They quickly cover your mouth, you could feel their cold hand holding your stomach. Before you move to defend yourself a familiar smell engulfs you.

"Shhh... your to loud, who knew you could scream so loud."

The smell of vanilla.

He moved his hand from your mouth.

"You freaked me out what did you expect? A hug and a kiss?"

He laughs, "No but not a scream like that."

"Well I didn't know it was you and I wasn't expecting it either." You say turn to face him.

He looks at you with a raised eyebrow. "I thought you could sense people that were near you or something"

"I can't sense people, I can take there quirk energy in their in a certain range of me. I don't have to know if there their or not to do it. Sense people that's funny, I'm not a dog you know." You say.

"You sure about that?" He says with a smirking at you.

"Hey! What's that supposed to mean!?" You say shoving his chest.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 16 ⏰

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