Chapter 7; One step closer to winning

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Third Pov

Before you knew it a week passed and it was the day of the sports festival. You got up to get ready for the day, once you were ready you grabbed your stuff and went to the ground floor looking for Mio so you could give her a ride to ua for the sports festival. You look around to see if she's there yet. Before you could turn around she jumps onto you pulling you into a hug.

"Y/n!! I've missed you soo much, you haven't even called me once scene you left!"

You pull her into a tight hug before releasing and answering her.

"Sorry just been so busy lately with school and everything. I'm real sorry Mio."

"I can't believe you sometimes I swear, come on let's get going before we're late."

"shit yeah your right come on let's take my motorcycle today." You grab her hand and make your way to the parking garage, and start up your motorcycle. Quickly getting on and driving down the streets towards UA.


Frist Pov

when I got in I had to make my way over to waiting room 1-A. sadly we didn't get to wear are hero costumes. everyone was chatting about what the first round might be, I just sat back in a chair listening in on all of it. Ida bursts into the room saying, "Everyone get your game faces on we are entering the arena soon." I could tell everyone got more nervous after what he said.

Out of nowhere, todoroki confronts Deku basically saying he has it out for him. Also exposing the fact that he knows that all might has Deku's back. 

"What's with all these declarations of war lately?" Denki asks leaning back in his chair with his arm over the back. Kirishima backs him up as he goes over to todoroki grabbing his shoulder.

"Yeah what's the big deal, why are you picking a fight all of a sudden and right before we get started?"

todoroki aggressively moves his arm to get Kirishima's hand off of him. "We're not here to make friends, remember this isn't a team effort," he adds walking away.

Getting bored of the conversation I space out barely listening to what Deku says back to todoroki. All I really catch him saying is that todoroki is right, that everyone will have to try really hard to stand out, and that he's aiming for the top too.

God this is why I hate the whole hero's thing everything is so competitive, No one can just relax and enjoy themselves in this school it seems. Though... I do like a good fight so that makes up for it.


We make our way to the arena as we hear present Mic announce our arrival in the arena.

"Oh god, there are way too many people here. like there's probably the whole world watching us right now," I say to mina and momo.

"I know right but isn't kind of exciting!!" Mina asks.

"I don't know how to feel about it." momo adds. We all make our way over to the stage where midnight is standing next to a mic.

"Uh someone should talk to miss midnight about what she's wearing." Denki agrees with what Kirishima commented.

" yeah, that costume should come with a warning." I laugh at what they said and bring my attention back to midnight.

"Quit everyone and for the student's pledge, we have katski bakugo and y/n Acnologia!"

All the students a people look are way, we make our way over to the stage and walk up to the mic. We stand right in front of it and I'm the first to say anything.

"I'm just going to say that I'm going to wipe the floor with all of you kids."

"I just wanna say, I'm going to win."

You could see all the shock and irritation on all of their faces as they begin to boo us. To be honest it was a funny sight to see. ida asks why we said what we said but bakugo answers for the both of us. 

"Not my fault your just stepping stones for my victory." I laugh and walk down from the stage going to my classmates once again. 

"without further ado, it's time to get started. the first faithful game of the festival. What could it be?!" A screen behind midnight showed a lotto spinning and stopping at Obstacle race. 


An obstacle course that should be pretty easy if I just use my quirk to move around all the obstacles.

Midnight gives a thorough explanation of how and where the obstacle will be.

"As long as you don't leave the course you're free to do whatever you want!! know take your places contestants."

We all head to a big-looking exit that has three lights at the top we wait for the light to go to zero and we all run to the exit. As everyone got closer to the exit I noticed the walls come in closer.

Ah, I see it is the first obstacle.

I quickly use my quirk to fling myself into the air and towards and out the exit, stumbling on my fall. I quickly gain balance and start running only looking back to see todoroki freeze everyone to get ahead. 

Smart kid.

I come to a dead stop when I'm face to face with a robot we had to fight in the entrance exam. A few kids from my class catch up but stop as well. I can hear present mic announce the second obstacle. I take notice of bakugo flying up and around the robots and todoroki freezing a robot when it was off-balance.

damn, they are getting ahead of me!

 I quickly follow them but get blocked by another really big robot.

"Dragon slayer king roar!!!" I'm able to blast two really big robots leaving an opening for me, I run and catch up with bakugo and todoroki who are racing each other and join in on the racing with the rest of the kids behind us.

"However thought the second round was easy, let's see how you feel about the second one!!! they're going to have to get creative the next one is the fall!!!" I hear present mic announce as I reach it.

 Damn this one is going to take a lot out of me, if only I could master my shape-shifting like my dad can this would be easy.

I run and jump onto one of the pillar-like platforms, I use my quirk to help me jump from each of the pillar-like platforms. Finally landing and tired as shit, I start jogging to catch up. As I make it to the four-round I'm met with a bunch of landmines in the ground which looks about half a km long.

They really bring out the big guys for this festival. no matter I'm not about to lose to a bunch of kids! How the hell am I going to get around this though! ughhh think y/n think!!

An idea comes to mind and I run with it. I start sucking quirk energy from everyone around me, I can hear people dropping because of me but I have to do what I gotta do. I pull it in and let it go in a form of a dragon slayer king roar, it uproots all the landmines on one side of the area I quickly run before the aftermath of my roar falls on me from the sly. As I run, finally ahead of everyone I can hear all the people who tried to follow the path I opened yelling from all the landmines that came crashing down on them. I can hear present mic talking about my amazing move to get ahead of everyone which boosts my ego.

I hear a big boom sound come from behind me and I see Deku flying in the air above me. He crashes but gets up running towards the finishing line.

I got to hand it to him, what he did was a smartass idea.

I slow my passe so that he can get ahead of me, I guess I just wanted to let him win this match. he crosses the finish line with me right behind him, me coming in second place. Bakugo coming in behind me with todoroki following.

And just like that, the first round of the sports festival comes to a close and i got one more step closer to winning.

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