Chapter 1

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“Brother Yiran… uh uh… please be gentle…”

“Baby, you are so attractive, how can I be gentle?”


The couple were enjoying the spring and it was very lively.

However, this has nothing to do with Chi Zhengzheng who was lying on the bed next to them.

In fact, at this moment, although she was listening to this very steamy “erotic drama”, there was no turbulence in her heart, and she even wanted to laugh a little.

After all, she had to listen to such a “big drama” for several days in a row, and she couldn’t be emotional even if she was curious.

This erotic drama was between her fiancé Wen Yiran and her cousin An Qinru.

The drama came to an end soon.

Chi Zhengzheng: Tsk, it is as short as ever.

The two began their innocent sage like dialogue time-

“Brother Yiran…uuuuu, we can’t do this!” An Qinru cried.

Chi Zhengzheng: Sister, you didn’t say that just in bed!

Wen Yiran touched her head with a gentle voice: “Qinru, I don’t like her, I just like you. Now that Chi Zhengzheng is in this state, no one can separate us anymore.”

Chi Zhengzheng rolled her eyes inside: I thank you for leaving me out of this.

An Qinru choked, her voice sounding guilty: “But… but Brother Yiran is still sister Zhengzheng’s fiancé, sister Zhengzheng is I coma and we are like this, I, I really feel sorry for her, we can’t…”

Hearing this, Chi Zhengzheng was not happy.

Of course, she wasn’t happy because the two of them had become an adulterous couple. The sadness she felt was the feelings of the original owner of this body. And she was just someone who has possessed this body for the past few days.

She was upset because she turned out to be in a vegetative state!

Her name was Chi Zheng. A few days ago, she went home from after getting off work. She had bought pancakes, fruits and baked cold noodles, and ate them while walking. For a while, she didn’t notice a big truck rushing out of control!


For goodness’ sake, she became the Chi Zhengzheng who was in coma.

Although it is a good thing to be able to stay alive, should she be in a vegetative state?

Suddenly, she didn’t know whether it was better to be dead or better to be alive in vegetative state.

Chi Zheng’s, that’s not right, now it’s Chi Zhengzheng. Chi Zhenzhen’s mood was complicated.

Next to her, Chi Zhengzheng’s fiancé turned over again, hugged An Qinru and kissed her. Then he said with an ambiguous voice: “What’s wrong? I’ll let you know if it’s OK or not now!”

Then… the ambiguous sound sounded again.

Chi Zhengzheng: “…” Has it started again?

Is this the legendary making up with quantity if the quality isn’t good?

Big brother, why don’t you try Dihuang Pills to treat your weak kidney and increase the quality instead of quantity?

Soon (?) The second round was over.

The two put on their clothes, An Qinru pushed Wen Yiran away, and looked at Chi Zhengzheng on the bed, covering her mouth, crying. But she didn’t dare to make a sound, sounding aggrieved.

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