Chapter 65 - Divorce

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An Qinru followed Wen Yiran back to the Wen house. All the way, Wen Yiran didn’t say a word, his face was expressionless.

She was a little scared, she had never seen him like this before, whether he was happy or angry, he would show it. It would definitely not be an indifferent response like it was now.

– This made her very panicked.

“Yiran, I-I… I just…” An Qinru opened her mouth. “I wanted to ask them to help the Wen family…”

Wen Yiran didn’t say anything and drove back to the Wen house in silence all the way.

He didn’t care whether An Qinru kept up with him or not, he went in first, An Qinru gritted her teeth but followed him.

Inside, Xu Wei was sitting on the sofa. As soon as she saw her coming him, she immediately stood up and cursed aloud…

“You bitch, do you want to leave? I’m telling you, it’s impossible! Since you’ve married into our Wen family, don’t think about leaving! How dare you sneakily run to the Chi family, shameless slut, jinx, why did our family take in such a thing like you! I’m telling you, now the Wen family…”

She chattered on and on, that the servants of the family had basically all left. Everyone knew the current situation of the Wen family, they could no longer afford to pay them their wages and they all had to live. What kind of person would work for the Wen family for free?

Besides, the people of the Wen family weren’t very good-natured and had treated them badly in the past, so they naturally dispersed.

Wen Jingsen was lying in bed and only knew how to lose his temper. How could Xu Wei dare to say anything to him and Wen Yiran?

As a result, all the anger she was holding back was directed at An Qinru.

When An Qinru heard these words, her head was “buzzing” and she couldn’t help but say: “Do you think I want to be in the Wen family now? If you have the guts, kick me out! If you hadn’t mistreated Wen Yu, how could he have retaliated against the Wen family?”

“What are you talking about, you jinx? Believe it or not, I will kill you!”

“Come on, hit me again, if you hit me again, I’ll sue you for domestic violence, just in time to get a divorce!” An Qinru said subconsciously.

Xu Wei said angrily: “Sure enough, this bitch just wants a divorce! Dream on!”

Seeing that the two were about to fight again, Wen Yiran said lightly: “Mom, go up and see Dad, he can’t be left alone there.”

When the voice landed, Xu Wei immediately stopped her voice. Seeing that Wen Yiran had something to say to An Qinru, she stood up calmly and went upstairs.

Only Wen Yiran and An Qinru were left in the lounge.

The anger and confidence just now disappeared all of a sudden, An Qinru opened her mouth, and for a moment she didn’t know what to say. She didn’t know why, she could quarrel with Xu Wei, but she inexplicably didn’t dare to face Wen Yiran.

Wen Yiran lit himself a cigarette and smoked. He seemed to be turning spiritless recently. Smoking a cigarette like this, it seemed that there would still be more great changes in life.

He said: “The Wen family had fallen to this point, I just didn’t take time to deal with it, in fact, I didn’t want to keep you in the Wen family.”

An Qinru was taken aback.

“At the time, I always thought you were sincere to me, and there’s still my child inside your belly. I certainly couldn’t let you follow us falling into ruin. It was like at that time, I actually didn’t want to marry you, but considering our previous relationship, and seeing that you were delicate and pitiful, I was willing to marry you and let you marry into the Wen family.” Wen Yiran’s voice was soft.

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