Chapter 20 - Joke. It was a joke, but not anymore.

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Chi Zhengzheng looked at him sharply, her mouth opening into an “O”.

For a moment, she wondered if she had heard him wrong.

Wen Yu turned his head to look at her, still calm, as if he didn’t just say something outrageous.

“What did you just say?” Chi Zhengzheng gulped and asked cautiously.

Wen Yu said seriously, “Yesterday you left home, and today you’re so unhappy that you left again, which means you’re uncomfortable living in the Chi house, so move out. Although I have been living in the Wen house, I have also bought a house, so I could move in at any time.”

Again, the big boss was very talkative and had a serious face.

Chi Zhengzheng: “…”

No, Big Boss, this is not about you having a house!

It’s your house, how could I live there?

She opened her mouth and her voice trembled slightly, “No, it can’t be good, right?”

“What’s wrong with it?” Wen Yu was confused.

“It’s your house!” Chi Zhengzheng sat up straight, her round eyes widening as she stared at him.

Wen Yu couldn’t help chuckling and a laugh crossed his eyes, “Didn’t you just say… I’m your fiancé?”

Chi Zhengzheng: “???”


She thought he didn’t pay attention to that comment just now!

“I-I was…” Chi Zhengzheng stammered.

She was careful with her words, she really couldn’t say straight out – I just said that but I don’t think of you as my fiancé, we don’t know each other at all!

Wen Yu glanced at her, the corners of his mouth lifted a little, and he stepped on the accelerator, starting up the car to leave.

– She had everything written on her face, and it was all there.

“Hey! Where are we going?” Chizheng exclaimed.

She hadn’t agreed yet!

Wen Yu: “The Chi house, to pack your things.”

Chi Zhengzheng: “???”

She hurriedly said, “No, no!”

“You want to stay at the Chi house?” Wen Yu asked.

Chi Zhengzheng: “……” No, I don’t.

But that’s didn’t mean she could live in Wen Yu’s house!

She knew so many of his secrets, and although the big boss said he wouldn’t silence her, who knows how many people have been buried because they “knew too much” since the beginning of time…..

The fact is that she and Wen Yu have only just met, so how could she live in his house?

The big boss’s face was very determined as if he insisted on exercising his “fiancé” rights and backing up his “fiancée” by taking her to live in his own home.

Chi Zhengzheng was on pins and needles, squirming around, with a face that said…

Shit! How the hell am I supposed to say anything?

How could I possibly stay at your house?

Wen Yu looked at her with a smile under his eyes.

The car soon arrived outside the Chi house, the sky was already dark, the street lights were dim, not as clear as during the day.

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