Chapter 51 - Breaking off

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The two weeks following the reception were very peaceful. Chi Zhengzheng took up jobs, read books, and studied.

Wen Yu and Zheng Ye were wrapping up the net they had woven towards the Wen family, meanwhile, nothing was happening on Chi Yan’s and Chi Zhouchen’s sides, they were unusually quiet.

The Wen family was flushing with success.

At this moment, An Qinru found Wen Yiran who had just come out of the company.

Wen Yiran frowned as soon as he saw An Qinru. She was the person who he had always longed to see before, he didn’t know when they started, he didn’t want to see her that much, on the contrary, he felt it was quite troublesome.

Especially when he woke up in the hospital that day and found that An Qinru was sleeping next to him, Wen Yiran’s brows could catch mosquitoes.

But in the end, it was the person he had always liked so he spoke softly to her. He saw her take care of him, hustling and bustling for him, he felt very touched.

For the following two weeks, he had been dealing with the company affairs with Wen Jingsen. The Wen family had been flushed with success recently, and naturally, there were many things to do and they had to socialize a lot.

In addition, deliberately, Wen Yiran hadn’t seen An Qinru for many days.

– What he didn’t know, the more he avoided her, the more An Qinru would clench her teeth

She rarely took the initiative to come to the company to find him. He always went to her. The moment he saw her today, he subconsciously tightened his eyebrows.

But he still showed a smile and said softly: “Qinru, why are you here?”

The moment An Qinru saw him, her eyes immediately turned red.

All the thoughts in Wen Yiran’s mind were put aside, immediately moved towards her anxiously: “Qinru, what wrong with you? Is someone bullying you? Tell me.”

An Qinru’s eyes got even redder and she reached out to hug him.

Wen Yiran slightly stiffened, but soon relaxed, he raised his hand and patted her back: “Qinru, what’s wrong, tell me.”

An Qinru’s tears fell all of a sudden, she raised her head to look at him: “Brother Yiran, I-I…”

“What?” Wen Yiran wiped her tears.

An Qinru bit her lips and murmured: “I’m pregnant!”

Wen Yiran froze all of a sudden, and then looked at her dumbfounded, his hands also stiffened on her face.

An Qinru leaned into his arms, but her eyes flickered.

– Wen Yiran had really changed. If he had heard the news before when he was Chi Zhengzheng’s fiancé, he would definitely not have reacted like this!

At that time, when she was planning it out, she wanted to marry into the Wen family after being welcomed by the Wen family, she wanted Wen Yiran not to carry the identity of Chi Zhengzheng’s fiancé but she also wanted the Chi family to marry her off in high spirits…

Therefore, she wouldn’t be pregnant, she wouldn’t use it to get married.

But now Wen Yiran’s reaction when he heard this news was definitely unhappiness!

If she didn’t marry into the Wen family while he still had feelings for her, she would never marry in her lifetime.

The Wen family was rich, Wen Yiran was good, and she liked him. With such conditions, this man was the most suitable person for her in the world!

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