Chapter 24 - New life.

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Chi Zhouchen had been holding back for two days and had to go to class tomorrow. If he didn’t find out today, he would have to wait until next week for Chi Yan to tell him.

He was obviously a little anxious.

Chi Yan shook his head and frowned: “I haven’t found out anything yet, but the houses in Wangjiang Manor have been put up for sale. He probably knew someone who bought the house in advance and stayed there temporarily. ”

The houses in Wangjiang Manor were all renovated. As long as you bought a house, you could move into it at any time.

“Could it be that he bought it? Or maybe he has a relationship with Yu Ding’s real estate company? Maybe… he’s involved with Yu Ding?” Chi Zhouchen always felt that Wen Yu might not be that simple.

In the past, he always ignored him, but recently, because of Chi Zhengzheng, his eyes also followed Wen Yu, only to find out what kind of aura he really had.

When those eyes stared at him, they made him feel a little scared.

He then began to wonder – is Wen Yu really that simple of a person?

Wen Yu (闻余), Yu Ding (余鼎), it had the character “Yu” (余).

Chi Yan shook his head: “I thought about it, Yu Ding’s boss is quite mysterious and has come back from abroad. But Wen Yu has never been abroad, among the founders, there was no Wen Yu’s name, and when I attended the Chamber of Commerce, the person in charge of Yu Dinh was about forty years old.”

At that time, his character was very impressive, Chinese and foreign blood, he came in a hurry and left in a hurry, very much like the temperament of the big boss of Yu Ding.

Chi Zhouchen thought for a while, then asked: “When was Yu Ding founded?”

“About three or four years ago, at that time Wen Yu had not graduated, or had just graduated, there’s no way he could’ve had that kind of capital and ability.” Chi Yan threw the pen in his hand on the table.

“Could he be a senior member of Yu Ding?” Chi Zhouchen speculated again.

If he was just an ordinary employee, it was impossible for him to live in Wangjiang Manor, and ordinary employees had to commute to work every day, Wen Yu was someone who had nothing to do.

Chi Yan again shook his head: “It’s also impossible, if Wen Yu was really that powerful, he wouldn’t be living in the Wen house suffering the scornful looks of the Wen family. When he got engaged, your sister was still a vegetable…”

Chi Zhouchen sat down slowly, his doubts gradually dispelled.

Yeah, if Wen Yu was really that capable, why would he hide it and not say it? Why would he still suffer the scornful looks at the Wen house, and even when they gave him a vegetative fiancée, he didn’t even object?

And when Yu Ding was founded, Wen Yu wasn’t very old, even at his current age, it didn’t seem that he could be a senior person in Yu Ding.

It seems that you have overthought.

Chi Zhouchen exhaled a long breath, for a moment, surprisingly, he didn’t know whether he was disappointed or relieved.

“Just the fact that he lives in Wangjiang Manor, it’s still worth noting.” Chi Yan knocked on the desktop.

This was not be something for Chi Zhouchen cared about, he nodded and didn’t speak.

“Since Yu Ding established itself, these years…”

At this point, Chi Yan began to use Yu Ding as a positive example, giving Chi Zhouchen an analysis of Yu Ding’s success and how far-sighted and sophisticated Yu Ding’s boss was.

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