Chapter 11 - Did you run away from home? What a coincidence, me too...

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Chi Zhengzheng: ???

These shoes were 26,000???

Okay… being an engineering graduate, Chi Zhengzheng’s basic arithmetic was quite good, so… 6,899 plus 3,999 plus 13,100, plus 26,000, equaled 49,998.

This figure was instantly calculated inside her head.

If it were just a few thousand yuan, she might have dwelled on it, at almost 50,000, she wouldn’t even need to think about it.

The corners of Chi Zhengzheng’s mouth slowly revealed a brilliant smile, almost dazzling the shop manager and the shop assistants. Her lips opened slightly, “Thank you, I don’t…”

“Check out.” Wen Yu stood up and handed out a black card.

The moment she saw the black card, Chi Zhengzheng noticed that the shop manager’s eyes lit up, the very bright kind, even brighter than when she saw Chi Zhengzheng, a great beauty.

Then Chi Zhengzheng watched as the shop manager took the card and took Wen Yu to check out.


“Wait! I…”

Wen Yu didn’t stop walking and was already on his way downstairs.

Chi Zhengzheng immediately followed with her high heels, “thump, thump, thump”, she went downstairs in a hurry.

Before the shop manager swiped his card, she rushed over, took out her card, and let out a long breath: “Swipe mine!!!”

The shop manager was stunned, she looked at Chi Zhengzheng and then at Wen Yu.

“Hurry up, swipe this.” Chi Zhengzheng insisted, her voice suppressed her feelings, she felt like she was about to fall apart.

“Okay.” The shop manager looked distracted but she busied herself with changing to swipe Chi Zhengzheng’s card.

When she was escorted out by the shop assistants, Chi Zhengzheng was dressed exquisitely, carrying two bags in her hands, one with slippers and one with a hospital gown.

Her eyes glanced at Wen Yu with a resentful look, sending cold daggers.

It’s all his fault!!!

If it weren’t for him, how could she dare buy such expensive clothes and shoes!!!


Great, the pocket money that was transfered for the month, only 2 yuan were left, not to mention renting an apartment, it wasn’t even enough money to buy a meal.

She kept sending cold glances.

Wen Yu seemed to notice it, he turned his head to look at her, his eyes tinged with some confusion, “What’s wrong? Not happy?”

Chi Zhengzheng smiled, “Happy, I’m way too happy.”

Wen Yu was even more puzzled.

He clearly sensed… that she was very unhappy at the moment, so why didn’t she admit it?

Before he could figure it out, not far away, a man dressed in a suit walked over quickly.

When he walked in front of them, the man’s footsteps were practically inaudible.

“Bring it over.” Wen Yu said.

Secretary Ning came forward with a respectful attitude, “Mr. Wen, this is Baisheng’s contract…”

His eyes couldn’t stop glancing at Chi Zhengzheng, with some shock he couldn’t hide.

“Continue.” Wen Yu took the folder and flipped through the contract.

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