Chapter 07 - Idiots. Couldn't care less to associate myself with idiots.

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“Why would she bother you? It was Wen Yiran who wanted to break off the engagement. Isn’t it common knowledge that Wen Yiran doesn’t like her?”

“She and Wen Yu are a good match, since neither of them seem to have a promising future, so I think she should stop bothering Wen Yiran, it’s annoying.”

“But, Chi Zhengzheng has indeed been aggrieved this time…”

“Do you feel sorry for her? Have you forgotten how she usually looks like when her chin is facing the sky?”

Zhengzheng kept her posture of half-pushing the door, standing at the door and listening.

It wasn’t that she was afraid to go in, nor that she was angry, she was just trying to find out more information based on their conversation.

Most of the original owner’s memories had come back, but the details were still missing.

In other words – she didn’t recognise any of the people in there, except for An Qinru!

The only thing they starting saying about her is that she used to be really arrogant and annoying towards Wen Yiran, and now she deserved to be in this situation.

“Serves her right! I’d love to see the look on Zhengzheng’s face now, I wonder how ugly it would be…”

Chi Zhengzheng banged the door open.

Inside, the sisters, who were discussing the matter, were stunned and looked towards the door.

She was dressed in a hospital gown, her hair was casually scattered behind her, and with a smile in the corners of her lips, she raised her feet and walked towards the woman who had just spoken.

When she was looking at her face to face, she said, “Xu Jiahong, I’m standing in front of your face now, come on, let me show you my face. Take a closer look.”

Xu Jiahong was caught talking behind her back, and was frozen for a moment.

“Sister Zhengzheng, I’m sorry, don’t be angry, they didn’t mean it…” An Qinru hurriedly stood up, full of apologies, but there was glee in her eyes.

— She was waiting for Zhengzheng to make a scene.

If Chi Zhengzheng made trouble, but An Qinru didn’t say anything bad about Chi Zhengzheng, and it was all said by others.

After the commotion, the Chi family would alarmed. Seeing that Chi Zhengzheng was being disliked by everyone, Chi Yan and Ding Yijun would know that they should also scold her saying that she was embarrassing the Chi family…

“Qinru, what are you apologizing for? Having said that, it is a fact that Chi Zhengzheng was abandoned by Brother Yiran, and it is also a fact that she only deserves to be with Wen Yu! ”A female voice suddenly spoke.

Chi Zhengzheng looked up.

It was the woman sitting in the middle, obviously the centre of the group of sisters.

She knew her.

— Wen Sisi.

The daughter of Wen Jingsen’s brother, the cousin of Wen Yu and Wen Yiran.

She and Zhengzheng have always been going at each other’s heads, but An Qinru was on Wen Sisi’s side.

She took a deep look at her, then withdrew her eyes and snickered, learning from the original owner, she lifted her chin: “Look at you all, An Qinru didn’t tell you that I thanked her for picking up my ‘short-lasting and lacking in quality’ fiancé, no, it is my ex-fiancé. “

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