Chapter 18 - Asking for help. Wen Yu's aura is amazing.

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“Sister, stop behaving like a child, let’s go to the hospital.” Chi Zhengzheng pulled her away.

Wen Sisi hugged the street lamp and sobbed: “No, I don’t want you to care!”

Chi Zhengzheng was about to fall on her knees.

Although she was strong, she couldn’t carry Wen Sisi.

After thinking about it, she finally had no other ideas.

She could only take out her phone and send a message to her newly added contact.

[Are you there? Do you have time?]

The person on the other end replied quickly…

[Wen Yu: What’s wrong? I have time.]

After a moment’s hesitation, Chi Zhengzheng tapped out…

[Wen Sisi has a fever, can you help me pick her up and take her to the hospital? I can’t get her to move, and this is not a good way to go on…]

After thinking about it, she typed out – [If you are busy, forget it.]

But before she could send it, the person on the other end asked:


Chi Zhengzheng sent the address to Wen Yu.

She really didn’t know who she could turn to, but at any rate, Wen Sisi was also Wen Yu’s cousin, so she could reluctantly ask Wen Yu for help.

She was the one who brought her out, and in this condition, she couldn’t really ignore her, so she had to take her to the hospital.

She put away her mobile phone, and next to her, Wen Sisi was still sobbing.

She was the same age as Chi Zhengzheng, both twenty-one years old, but Chi Zhengzheng thought she was at best eighteen years old, and now that she was sick with a fever, she became eight years old all of a sudden!

“Hey, are you sure you don’t want me to take you to the hospital? Do you want some water instead?” Chi Zhengzheng asked.

Wen Sisi: “No! I don’t want you to care!”

Chi Zhengzheng sighed, blinked her big round eyes, held the water, and stood motionless next to her lost in thought.

Wen Sisi: “…”

She sobbed twice, looked at Chi Zhengzheng twice, then sobbed twice again, and looked twice at her again.

However, the other person just stood next to her, she didn’t ask her again about taking her to the hospital, but she didn’t leave either, she just kept on standing next to her, her eyebrows slightly frowned together, her two eyes somewhat expressionless.

Wen Sisi’s mouth was deflated, why did Chi Zhengzheng stop coaxing her after asking twice?

If she persuaded her a few more times, she would definitely pull her face down and let her take her to the hospital.

After all, it was really uncomfortable for her to be burning up so much…

When Wen Yiran hung up the phone, his brow stayed furrowed, distracted.

“Brother Yiran?” An Qinru’s voice was hesitant, hiding the emotions under her eyes.

It seemed she had just heard Chi Zhengzheng’s name?

“Mmm, nothing.” Wen Yiran shook his head and casually ate two bites of food.

Placed in front of him was a lunch made with love that An Qinru had specially delivered, and since he was delayed by his meeting at noon, the meal was not that hot.

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