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Chi Zhengzheng’s and Wen Yu’s wedding was organized by Wen Yu.

Before, when Wen Yiran and An Qinru got married, he felt that the other party’s wedding was too modest and planned to hold a grand wedding when he and Chi Zhengzheng got married.

Although a lot of things happened in between.

Even after some experiences, if they thought about it now, they could still feel fear.

But fortunately, the outcome was good.

Regarding the matter of getting married, in fact, Chi Zhengzheng felt that after receiving a marriage certificate, a simple wedding was enough.

But Wen Yu didn’t think so.

“This is a once-in-a-lifetime event, I want you to be the most beautiful and the happiest woman.” Wen Yu was flipping through the wedding catalogs in his hand and said seriously. (t/n: 风光 as in beautiful to look at.)

Chi Zhengzheng blinked: “I’m already beautiful, and I’m very happy ah.”

Everyone knew that she was the person at the tip of Wen Yu’s heart, the woman who could almost influence the stock market of Yu Ding, wasn’t that beautiful?

Besides, if two people were going to spend their lives together, Chi Zhengzheng felt that happiness was more important than beauty.

– However, Wen Yu obviously wanted to give her all the good things.

“Be obedient, I’ll take care of the wedding, you just need to wait happily to be the bride.” Wen Yu tilted his head and gave her a kiss on the cheek, then stood up and left the office with some of the catalogs.

Chi Zhengzheng looked at his back and hurried steps, sat back helplessly, and took out a German novel to read.

Wen Yu walked into Zheng Ye’s office in a hurry.

Zheng Ye was packing up his things when he saw him come in, he was a little surprised: “Yo, you’re not with your wife, what are you looking for me for?”

Wen Yu also looked surprised: “Where are you going?”

“Vacation ah.” Zheng Ye took it for granted, “I haven’t taken enough vacation, if I weren’t for watching your wife propose to you, I wouldn’t have come back.”

“Don’t take a vacation yet.” Wen Yu took a few steps forward, put the catalogs and information on Zheng Ye’s desk, and said: “I think these plans are not very good, there are too many places to modify, this wedding, how about you do the planning for me?”

Zheng Ye: “???”

He was shocked and looked at Wen Yu: “What? Wedding planning? I’m not from a wedding planning company, I don’t know how to do it!”

“I hired a team, they will assist you, you are only responsible for the coordination, and the implementation of my ideas.” Wen Yu’s expression was serious, and his voice was full of non-negotiability. “If it’s another person, I’m not at ease.”

“Find Manager Zheng from the planning department, he’s not only from the planning department, but he’s also married, and very experienced!” Dead friends do not die poor, he flung off the bundle onto Zheng Ye.

(t/n: Dead friends do not die poor means helping a friend in need, flung off the bundle means to wash one’s hands of the matter.)

Wen Yu frowned: “I asked about his wedding planning, it was too simple and superficial, I’m very dissatisfied.”

“How about Manager Cheng?”

“He’s divorced, it’s bad luck.”

Zheng Ye: “…”

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