Extra 6

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My name is Wen Nian, I’m a male, and I’m six years old.

My father is the famous Wen Yu and my mother is the famous Chi Zhengzheng.

My name was given by my beloved mother. Of course, it was a very good thing for me, after all, according to my father’s standards and his pitiable attentiveness, he would probably have called me –

Wen Aizheng. (t/n: 闻爱筝, 爱 ai means love 筝 zheng from Chi Zhengzheng’s name. Wen Yu basically wanted to call his son “I love Zhengzheng” lol…)

I don’t want to be called “Aizheng” at all, so I’m glad it was my mom who had the right to name me. (t/n: 癌症, ai zheng means cancer as in the illness… Yeah…)

I’m about to have a younger sister in my family, and my dad is so nervous that he’s already in the hospital with my mom, skipping work to watch over her.

Uncle Zheng Ye always says that my dad is the most irresponsible boss!

But fortunately, God seemed to give my dad preferential treatment, so much so that even though he often skipped work to be in love, it didn’t affect his career at all. On the contrary, he used his business talent to make Yu Ding a huge business empire, that no one could compare.

My mother became the richest person.

It couldn’t be helped, who let my father have no money, all the family assets belonged to my mother.

I’m also very worried about my beloved mother, I can’t wait to go to the hospital to see my mother. Being pregnant and giving birth is too hard, my mother is really worthy of admiration.

So why am I still writing in my diary at this moment?

Because school isn’t over yet.

Sometimes, I really hate school, it’s so boring.

Especially with a bunch of stupid classmates and a nagging teacher who likes to give meaningless assignments.

I don’t really understand the point of keeping a diary?

Is it so that when these kids grow up, they can look back at their stupidity during second grade?

The premise is this – when we grow up, we’ll be able to find this diary.

Although they’re all older than me, I think they’re really stupid. A few of them are so unkempt and their clothes are so dirty that I really don’t want to see them.

As I write this, it’s important to say why I came to school.

Although my dad is amazing, and as much as he and I love each other deep down, a lot of times, we’re just tired of seeing each other.

Especially when it comes to my mom.

My dad thinks that I’m too much of an eyesore, he thinks my mom cares so much about me that she ignores him.

I’m also very angry. He’s still my dad, but he keeps hogging my mom. When I was less than three years old he didn’t let me share a room with her!

I used to get an elite education, I was home-schooled every day. My mom would take care of me when she was home, and if my dad went to work. That was when I could be alone with my mom, I was really happy.

But dad was so horrible, he told Mom really earnestly that my personality was too cold, that I wasn’t in touch with my peers, and that I was a little devil. He suggested that I should come to school to take classes and have more contact with my classmates to change my personality!

Then, mom thought about it for a while and agreed!

Yeah, my dad was a very smart man. He always had good reasons to convince Mom to achieve his goals, like sending me to second grade, sending me to school, and letting me sit in a classroom with a bunch of stupid kids.

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