Chapter 67 - Nightclub

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Not far away, two women were standing who have lost a lot of weight.

Xu Wei and An Qinru.

Chi Zhengzheng paused slightly, with astonishment in her eyes.

The two of them had already walked over, their footsteps were somewhat hurried.

Once they were approaching, the street light reflected their appearance clearly into the bottom of Chi Zhengzheng’s eyes. She thought for a while, and stood still, not far behind the bodyguards sent by Wen Yu. She wasn’t afraid of what these two might do.

“Zhengzheng…” Xu Wei pulled a smile at the corner of her mouth.

She used to take care of herself very well as if the years didn’t seem to leave any traces on her face, but during this time, she seemed to have suddenly aged ten years. Her face had lots of wrinkles, her eyelids were drooping, and seemed to have become more sharp and unkind.

“Sister Zhengzheng.” An Qinru also pulled the corners of her mouth, although she obviously couldn’t smile.

Compared with Xu Wei, An Qinru had changed even more. Her stomach had become bigger, not to mention, that her whole body had lost a lot of weight, only her belly was prominent, she was very haggard, with a powerless expression, and she had obviously not been sleeping well for a long time.

These two people and their change from what she remembered was too obvious, Chi Zhengzheng was quite astonished.

Immediately, she asked calmly: “Is there anything wrong?”

She was looking at these two people up and down, and these two people were also looking at her.

Especially An Qinru.

They followed Wen Sisi and saw Chi Zhengzheng before she entered the nightclub, but they couldn’t get close because the bodyguards were following them. They wanted to go into the nightclub, but they couldn’t get in.

This nightclub was called The Pearl Bar and it was a high-end bar. A membership card is required to enter. After the Wen family went bankrupt, their membership was canceled, so they couldn’t even enter the door.

At this moment, Chi Zhengzheng sent Wen Sisi away and allowed them to get closer.

Chi Zhengzheng hadn’t changed much from the last time they saw her. She was still as beautiful as ever, exuding a willful and confident aura, her every move carried a laid-back and carefree feeling.

The dress was very simple, but it was extremely well designed. Together with her gifted figure, standing on the side of the road, it was also an existence that people couldn’t ignore or move away from.

An Qinru was so jealous she was about to go crazy.

Next to her, Xu Wei showed a smile with a shy face: “Zhengzheng, it’s been a long time, you’re still doing so well…”

“What are you looking for me for?” Chi Zhengzheng frowned and went straight to the point.

“I just want to talk to you.”

“Oh, then I don’t have time to talk to you.” After saying that, Chi Zhengzheng was about to leave.

Xu Wei hurriedly said: “Zhengzheng! You are Wen Yu’s fiancée, and it was only because of the agreement between our families that your engagement was made possible, and now that you and Wen Yu are doing well, it’s a sign that we did the matchmaking right! After all, Wen Yu is the young master of the Wen family, and you will be the madam of the Wen family.”

As she said this, she reached out and took Chi Zhengzheng’s hand, with a loving face: “I am his stepmother, so I’m not qualified to say anything, but Jingsen is Wen Yu’s biological father after all, and they’re related by blood. We know that you are a good child and we approve of you as our daughter-in-law, so I beg you to help us and help us talk to Wen Yu. Jingsen is now paralyzed and has repented, they are father and son in the end ah.”

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