Chapter 04 - Compensation

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Wen Yu didn’t look at the broken apple skin on his hand, his eyes finally moved to see Chi Zhengzheng’s face.

The old Wen Yu and Chi Zhengzheng had met but barely ever crossed paths, he was too busy and someone like Chi Zhengzheng didn’t leave any mark on his memory.

Even when she became his fiancée today, he had not taken a close look at her face.

Only now did he get a good look at her.

The Chi family’s genes were very good, and Chi Zhengzheng had obviously grown up with the advantages of the Chi family, with delicate features and picturesque eyebrows, especially her big round eyes, making her look younger than her actual age.

Her skin was fair, her nose was small and straight, and her lips were very small, because she was currently without any make-up, and because of her injuries, her skin colour looked a little pale.

Her hair was thick and waist-length, a little messy from lying down for a few days, and the few strands of frizzy hair that were sticking up made Wen Yu, who was somewhat finicky, couldn’t help but frown and want to hold it down.

Just looking at her face, simple and clean, she looked harmless, but her round eyes, at that moment, were looking like they were filled with fire, making the whole person glow.

When he looked at her, he also saw her eyes sweeping below Wen Yiran, with a rather disgusted face.


The corners of Wen Yu’s emotionless face couldn’t help but twitch at the corners of his mouth.

The entire person who was looked down upon felt likewas gasoline was poured onto a fire, exploding.

How am I unattractive and unskilled?

Short-lasting and lacking inquality?

His head was filled with these two sentences, like a stick continuously hitting his head, and his head was buzzing.

Wen Jingsen and Xu Wei were also stunned. Regardless whether what Chi Zhengzheng said was true or not, these words were undoubtedly heart-piercing for a man.

The person being spoken to was their son!

These two parents trembled a little, and they stared at Chi Zhengzheng with a murderous intent.

“Pfft–” Chi Zhouchen didn’t hold back.

Although he was also shocked, and he was on good terms with both Wen Yiran and An Qinru, he just couldn’t help but laugh out loud when he heard Chi Zhengzheng’s words.

It was this laugh that woke up the crowd.

“Chi, Zheng, Zhengzheng! You, you don’t talk nonsense!” An Qinru’s eyes went red all of a sudden, her face burning hot.


Chi Zhengzheng pursed her lips and spoke slowly –

“Brother Yiran, we’re like this. I feel sorry for Sister Zhengzheng!”

“Be good Qinru, I only love you.”

“Oooooooh, Brother Yiran, I love you so much.”

“Qinru, I love you too, only you!”

“Brother Yiran…”

She was repeating what they said when they were in bed!

She really heard it all!

An Qinru’s face went white all of a sudden, her eyes were overwhelmed for a moment.

“That’s enough!” Wen Yiran interrupted her, with monstrous anger: “Chi Zhengzheng, you were actually eavesdropping?!”

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