Chapter 39 - Pervert

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Wen Yu didn’t look away, looking ahead, his voice became hoarse, “Look at the road, stop looking at me.”

He felt that a certain part of his body had awakened, she was obviously just looking at him but it caused such a big reaction…

This made Wen Yu a little afraid to look at her, for a moment, he felt like a pervert.

But he couldn’t help it, as if he also was unable to suppress the beast in his heart that was about to burst out.

Chi Zhengzheng would never know that when she stood next to him, “protecting” him and glaring at Wen Yiran when she said that Wen Yiran couldn’t even compare a strand of his hair when she covered her face and didn’t dare to look at him…

He just wanted to hide her, hide her in a tight surveillance space, hide her in a place where only he knew, never show her to others, and in a place where there would never be a possibility of her being snatched away.

He was really a pervert.

Wen Yu thought.

“Huh?” Look at the road, stop looking at him?

Chi Zhengzheng blinked, then immediately looked forward, her face was flushed.

Oh, God, could it be that her gaze was so hot that Wen Yu couldn’t stand it anymore?!

Was her gaze so obvious?

Woo woo woo, she just liked him ah. When he just rushed out and hugged her in his arms and beat Wen Yiran ruthlessly, she felt that was blinded by his handsomeness!

At that moment, she wanted to devote herself to him.

But he didn’t want her to see him!

Chi Zhengzheng stared at the road ahead, not daring to look at Wen Yu.

Wen Yu took a deep breath and steadied his heartbeat, then drove towards their house in Wangjiang Manor.

Outside, the lights were bright and the traffic was heavy.

The car was very quiet, and neither of them spoke.

After a while, Chi Zhengzheng couldn’t stand the silence and secretly shifted her eyes from the window onto Wen Yu.

He was driving the car seriously, his facial features were deep, the profile of his face looked extremely handsome and perfect, which was so mesmerizing.

Mm, as handsome as ever.

“T-thank you for picking me up…” Chi Zhengzheng finally spoke, blinking her eyes.

Wen Yu looked at the road ahead but kept an eye on her through his peripheral vision.

At the sound of her voice, he responded: “Hmm.”

Was that it?

Chi Zhengzheng was a little discouraged. This Wen Yu, he really said too little!

While thinking this way, Wen Yu suddenly said: “Today, was it fun?”

Chi Zhengzheng: “Not bad.” What was fun about it? It was probably just fun to see An Qinru’s blackened expression, but it wasn’t fun at other times.

At first, she felt it was very boring, but then she was frightened because of the Dreams of Deep Sea.


Dreams of Deep Sea?

Chi Zhengzheng sat up straight, touched the necklace around her neck, and then hurriedly said: “Wen Yu, why did you give me such an expensive thing ah? What if I lose it? It scared me to death!”

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