Chapter 50 - Marriage

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When Chi Zhengzheng woke up, she was still feeling a bit muddled, her head was blowing up, and it was very uncomfortable.

– It was the after-effects of a hangover.

It turned out that transmigrating into this body didn’t make her a better drinker, Chi Zhengzheng let out a long sigh.

She lay flat on the bed, her eyes open and completely relaxed.

After a while, she raised her hand and rubbed her eyes, only then did she notice that she was still wearing the same shirt from last night.

“Swish!” She sat up abruptly.

Chi Zhengzheng’s eyes widened and her face was still in shock.

She was drunk last night, how did she come back?

Her mind could only vaguely remember that it was Wen Yu who carried her out of the nightclub, and then… then her hands kept holding his neck and not letting go?

What happened later?

Chi Zhengzheng couldn’t remember it, she only remembered a little bit of what happened later on. It only appeared vaguely in her mind.

As for the other things… she was unable to recall.

It was over. Did she do anything bad last night? What did she say to Wen Yu?

Chi Zhengzheng raised her hand and patted her head, remorse was all over her face.

How come she couldn’t remember?

She lowered her head and sniffed, it was still full of alcohol smell, she got up, went to the bathroom to take a bath and wash her hair, and changed out of these smelly clothes.

When she came out, she still didn’t leave the bedroom, she had a torn expression.

“Zhengzheng, are you up yet? Go down and have something to eat.” At the door, Auntie. Wang’s voice rang.

Chi Zhengzheng looked at the time and saw that it was time for lunch.

“Okay!” She answered.

Then she walked out of the room slowly and dilly-dallyingly, cautiously and with light footsteps.

She first looked towards the study and saw that no one was there.

And then she swept her eyes over downstairs, and there was still no one was there.

– Did Wen Yu go to work?

Chi Zhengzheng breathed a sigh of relief, straightened her waist, and walked downstairs. She didn’t eat breakfast, and she was a little hungry.

“Ta-ta-ta.” Her slippers dangled, Chi Zhengzheng walked quickly towards the dining room.

Then, her feet stopped and the expression on her face froze.

– The man sitting at the table was clearly Wen Yu!!

– He hadn’t gone to work yet!!

“Up?” Wen Yu said gently, he conveniently put down the financial newspaper that he had been holding in his hand during the morning.

Chi Zhengzheng: “Ah… I’m up.”

“Then let’s eat, drink some boiled medicine first, it’s good for hangovers. Do you have a headache?” Wen Yu added, taking the Chinese medicine brought out by Auntie Wang at the same time.

“Huh?” Chi Zhengzheng was taken aback for a moment, then nodded, and then shook her head abruptly.

At first, she did have a headache, but at this moment, seeing Wen Yu, she was so embarrassed that her head went numb and she couldn’t feel the headache anymore.

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