Chapter 19 - Thunderbolt.

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“Wen Yiran, why are you so annoying, Wen Sisi has a high fever, do you understand human language? This is your sister, get out of the way, we need to take her to the hospital right now!” Chi Zhengzheng was also furious.

She was really convinced, how could this Wen Yiran be so annoying?

What did the original owner like about him?

Did she like him for being retarded or for being stupid?

A high fever?

Wen Yiran gave a pause and looked at Wen Sisi, and met her red face and eyes that were filled with suffering and distress.

Only then did he remember that when he picked up When Sisi in the morning, she had a cold.

When she called him just now, she was also breathless.

But at that time, because he heard Chi Zhengzheng’s voice, he didn’t think carefully and hung up the phone.

When he saw them, he also noticed that something was wrong with Wen Sisi, but because of the presence of Chi Zhengzheng, he even subconsciously went to pick on Chi Zhengzheng.

After returning to his senses in an instant, Wen Yiran realized that Wen Sisi was sick, and Chi Zhengzheng wanted to take her to the hospital.

He misinterpreted such a simple thing.

He had misunderstood Chi Zhengzheng and had even overlooked his cousin.

He stood there, feeling a little embarrassed for the first time, opened his mouth, but was a little speechless.

“Let’s go.” Chi Zhengzheng said softly as she helped Wen Sisi and looked at Wen Yu.

Wen Yu nodded and reached out to help her hold the water.

There was a rare tacit understanding between the two of them as if they had a familiarity that others didn’t understand.

“Sisi, I’ll take you to the hospital.” Wen Yiran reached out and supported Wen Sisi on the other side.

Wen Si Si didn’t say a word, she felt sick because of her fever, and was silent because of the unimaginable scene in front of her.

Wen Yiran touched Wen Sisi’s forehead, his eyes filled with worry.

His eyes shifted and noticed Wen Yu, who was next to Chi Zhengzheng, and he couldn’t help but say, “Why are you here too? This is none of your business.”

He had always looked at Wen Yu with contempt, especially today.

Wen Yu didn’t bother to talk to him and walked next to Chi Zhengzheng in silence.

However, Chi Zhengzheng was upset and pursed her lips, “Why can’t Wen Yu be here? He is my fiancé, why can’t I ask him for help if I need him? He’s with me, why can’t he be here?”

She stopped and let go of her hand, handing Wen Sisi completely over to Wen Yiran, “Since you’re here, I’ll leave Wen Sisi to you, she’s your sister, you take her to the hospital to hang an IV.”

Wen Yiran opened his mouth to say something.

Chi Zhengzheng didn’t allow him to speak, she waved her hand, and said impatiently, “You’ll have time to quarrel with us, hurry up and take her to the hospital, don’t delay.”

Wen Yiran, she and Wen Yu didn’t get along, so the three of them staying together was a waste of time, so it would be better for Wen Yiran to take Wen Si Si to the hospital as soon as possible.

Wen Yiran’s lips twitched, but he didn’t say anything else this time, he helped Wen Sisi continue to walk to their parking spot.

Wen Sisi, who had been silent, looked back at Chi Zheng Zheng, her eyes complicated.

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