Chapter 40 - Stay

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Chi Yan’s pupils shrank.

He was more familiar with business matters than Chi Zhouchen, a student. The business world was like a battlefield where it was all about calculations and mutual profits. How could there be anyone happy to silently help and be a driving force for others?

The current condition of the Wen family was too good, everything was going so smoothly that it was a little worrying.

Moreover, Wen Yu was once again discovered by them that he wasn’t simple. The house could be borrowed from Zheng Ye. Did someone else buy the jewelry and give it to them? Or did they rent it?

How could such a collectible be easily lent out?

“Wen Yu.” Chi Yan said these two words aloud and his heart was a mess.

“Dad, I have an idea.” Chi Zhouchen looked at Chi Yan, then gritted his teeth and said, “How about we stop cooperating with the Wen family!”

“Nonsense!” Chi Yan immediately stood up and said angrily, “Everything about Wen Yu is your speculation, even if he isn’t simple, he may not deal with both the Chi family and the Wen family, and he may also not have the ability to deal with us!”

Such a kid, no matter how not simple he was, how could he knock them down who were experienced and had strong capital?

“But can’t I imagine what he would do? If he’s been hiding for so many years to get back at the Wen family, then this project is the best opportunity to do so.” Chi Zhouchen also said with a serious expression.

Chi Yan took a deep breath: “Zhouchen, do you know how much capital our Chi family has invested in this project? I showed you the process. We have put almost the entire Chi family on the line. How could it be possible to withdraw capital just because of speculation?”

Chi Zhouchen stopped talking, pursed his lips, and became silent.

Sure, as soon as that capital is withdrawn, their Chi family will also be shaken and their strength would be greatly damaged.

So much investment has been made, so much effort had been put in, how could they give up easily?

Chi Yan sighed and said: “It’s already a little late, you go to rest early, I’m also going upstairs to rest.”

After saying that, he walked towards upstairs.

But his footsteps were not as calm as usual, and it was a mess.

Although Chi Yan loudly refuted Chi Zhouchen, they both knew that the seeds of doubt and worry had already been planted.

Ding Yijun didn’t intervene, she had always stayed out of business matters, and waited until Chi Yan had left before she lowered her voice and said-

“Zhouchen, the first time I heard you say that Wen Yu wasn’t simple, my heart was in turmoil. After a while, I thought it might be good for your sister if he wasn’t simple, and the next moment, I felt a little afraid. He had been wronged in the Wen family, while Xu Wei was watching, he shouldn’t be able to hide too deeply, right?

Chi Zhouchen exhaled a long breath: “Yes, that’s why I’m worried.”

Hidden for many years, once he broke out, it would be horrifying.

His eyes looked towards the door.

“Hoo hoo hoo hoo -” The wind picked up outside.

The wind was a bit strong, it was as if the rising wind forebode a coming storm.

It was going to rain heavily.

“It’s so windy.” Chi Zhengzheng shivered a little.

Her body was immediately draped with a piece of clothing, she looked up and found that it was Wen Yu who took off his jacket and wrapped her up tightly.

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