Chapter 56 - A nice surprise

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Wen Yu turned around with a smile on the corner of his mouth but found that it was a big doll holding a leaflet, and then he immediately put away his smile.

The doll was a big Pikachu, it was yellow and very cute-looking. He was being followed by a few small children, laughing and playing.

His brow furrowed in an instant, and he looked at the doll with an emotionless expression. Under normal circumstances, anyone who looked into his eyes would automatically slip away.

But he didn’t know whether this doll couldn’t see clearly or was fearless, because the doll just shoved the leaflet in his hands.

Wen Yu pursed his lips and reached out to take it.

This Pikachu doll reminded him of Chi Zhengzheng, but Chi Zhengzheng’s crocodile pajamas were slightly more pocket-sized, and the face was exposed. This big doll costume was somewhat exaggerated, but because it was plump, it was also very cute.

After accepting the leaflet, the doll was still not satisfied and reached out to pull his arm, to walk in another direction.

Pikachu’s hands were very inconvenient, the doll was almost pinching his arm with both its hands, and it was very hard.

Wen Yu subconsciously wanted to pull back, his eyebrows wrinkled really tightly.

However, at this moment, his line of sight moved from the position where they collided to the leaflet he had just held in his hand.

The leaflet was very simple, there were pictures and text, the picture turned out to be Chi Zhengzheng!

There was also him, it was him who was working in the study, and it was him who was cooking in the kitchen.

Wen Yu immediately was taken aback, the leaflet also had text on it, with a very cute font –

[Dear Mr. Wen, please follow the messenger of love! /Cute.]

He stared blankly at the text and photos. At this moment, his heart was filled, stuffed to the brim, so much more than what his heart could hold, it surged violently.

The children seeing that the doll was dragging someone away, smiled and followed Wen Yu.

Wen Yu followed in a daze, and they were being followed in the direction where the doll went, even if his IQ was super high, at the moment, his brain was blank, it was rare for him to be dumbfounded.

The legs of the doll costume were much shorter than the legs of the crocodile pajamas, they had to walk several times more to walk the usual one-step distance. The doll could only swing its two legs into a wind turbine like it was jogging.

He looked at the doll, his eyes lit up for a moment.

Immediately, he took the initiative to reach out and grasped the palmless “hand” of the doll. Several children followed them and ran over giggling.

They didn’t go far, just to a less crowded place.

In front, candles had been lit and the circle had become a love heart shape.

The doll pulled him into the heart, and then out of nowhere, it took out a rose, the doll held in its mouth, it raised its two hands with difficulty, and made a love heart shape with difficulty.

The doll bent over to the left, making the love heart shape with the hands of the doll costume was somewhat difficult, so it looked somewhat out of place.

But it could still be recognized at a glance, that it was a love heart shape.

Not knowing why Wen Yu’s eyes were a bit red. He reached out to take off that rose, and then to take off the head of the costume…

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