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She took her time getting out to the top deck. She took so much time, in fact, that she lost track of time, Kelsi glances down at her watch and curses. "Shit shit shit shit shit." Immediately after she starts sprinting through the carrier, pushing anybody in her way down. after a minute or two of running she comes to two doors and pushes them open the doors making a horrible screeching sound. She cringes as everyone on the deck turns and looks at her. 

"You're late Smokin." out came the annoying curt voice of the Commander.

"Oh yeah shit" she looks down at her watch sarcastically. "Guess I didn't fucking notice." she sassed. Broadway and a few others chuckled quietly. 

"What was that Lieutenant?' The Commander looked back at her angrily.

 She quickly says "nothing sir" and sits down. 

Broadway leans over and whispers, "Someday he's gonna kill you,. I can see him plotting it right now." Kelsi scoffs and rolls her eyes and answers back, "Whatever, he wishes." then turns her full attention back to the Commander.

"Now that we're are all here," he glares at Kelsi who gives him a innocent smile. "We have a mission of one plane team today. We've been spotting bandits flying around the perimeter of our ship and want this team to check it out. The people going on this mission are," he sighs as he looks at his folder, "Smokin and Broadway, You two will be using of of our few fifth generation fighter so you fit in and the bandits don't suspect anything." Kelsi and Broadway smirk and fist bump each other.

Another pilot raises his hand. The Commander sighs, "Yes, Shark?"

 Shark starts talking with no hesitation. "Sir, why are you sending the weak link up?" he looks back at her with a devilish smirk on his face, a few of his friends chuckling as he talks. "No offense, but you're not trustable. You're so reckless that I can't believe you even came from the Top Gun program."

 Kelsi rolls her eyes and relaxes back into her chair and looks at him, "You better fucking believe I came from that program bitch-boy. The fact that you think I'm reckless tells he you have your hand so far up your ass you could probably pick your fucking nose. Now shut the fuck up before I make you. "Broadway snorts at her friends antics and mutters, "Nice." Shark rolls his eyes while he's turning to the front he mutters, "Just you wait."

The commander sighs and mutters, "I don't get paid enough," then continues what he was saying before. "Shark you're on patrol and back up in Smokin needs it, but if you keep talking like that your job with be janitor. Laser you're also needed for backup. The rest of you are doing repairs on your planes. Dismissed!"


Smokin and Broadway start walking to the locker room to get their flight suits on.

Out of nowhere, Broadway snorts, "Ya know Kels I can't get over your comebacks. How do you come up with that shit?"

 Kelsi shrugs, "I don't know, I open my mouth and they just come out. I'm honestly surprised that I haven't gotten kicked out yet. Guess I'm living on a prayer."

 Broadway suddenly breaks into song singing 'Living on a Prayer' by Bon Jovi. Kelsi rolls her eyes and turns bright red when a few aviators walk down the hall giving Broadway weird looks as they walk away. 

Broadway suddenly stops and nudges Kelsi, "C'mon don't be such a Debby downer, sing with me!" 

Kelsi rolls her eyes and comments. "I don't know how you're still confused with how you got your callsign." 

"Gurl I still don't get it!" Broadway answered completely serious. 

"You're lucky you're pretty," Kelsi replies chuckling as she walks into the locker room.

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