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This is also a part two to the last chapter, because once I wrote it, I realized it was close to 5000 words :)

Phoenix takes Kelsi to the Women's locker room.

"You good Kelsi? That was harsh."

Kelsi pulls away from her and opens her locker forcefully. "I'm fucking fine!"

Phoenix starts to talk then sighs. "I'll leave you alone." She leaves the room.

Kelsi makes sure she's gone and slams her locker shut and yells. "FUCKING ASSHOLE!" Her breathing starts picking up and she leans against her locker and slides down so she's on the floor. She pulls her knees to her chest and starts sobbing. It was the most painful sob in the world. Kelsi hadn't cried in almost a year. She told herself she'd stay strong and hold it together, but after this long, she only needed a trigger. That trigger was Hangman. Her body wracked with her sobs. So out of it, Kelsi doesn't hear the door to the Locker Room opening. All she knew is she felt someone touch her shoulder: She quickly looks up and sees Maverick. Eyes widening and pulls herself together the best that she can and stands up.

"y-yes s-sir?"

Maverick frowns. "Don worry I'm not here to lecture you."

Tears starts falling faster.

"I remember when I lost my best friend and RIO. I wasn't able to fly right for years to come. You're strong kid."

Her breathing picks up again and she slides back down the lockers, Maverick slides down next to her.

She sobs and looks at him, "H-how did you get over it? It's been two years a-and i-i can't go a day without thinking about him."

Maverick furrows his eyebrows and looks ahead of him, "If I'm being honest, I haven't let go."

Kelsi sighs shakily and lays her head on his shoulder. She didn't care who it was, but she needs someone right now. Maverick wraps his arms around the younger and pulls her into a hug.

 "I promise it'll get better."

Kelsi nods and stays in the hug for a while until she stops crying. Once her tears were all dried up and pulls away.

Maverick looks at her, "Tomorrow I'm going to make Hangman do 500 push-ups. He's never going to say shit like that to anyone again."

"Fucking good." Kelsi looks at him. "Maverick, why did you follow me in here."

"Well, I know It's not great dealing with shit alone. You always need someone whos there. YA know back in high school I had a best friend. You really remind me of him."

"Oh... that's cool I guess." She looks at Maverick weirdly.

He chuckles, "You look confused, did you not know me and your old man are friends."

She looks at him weirdly. "My dad? We're talking about the same country hick man right?"

Maverick chuckles, "Yeah, I've known you for more years than you'd think. When I found out you were in this mission I texted him and told him. He knew you were struggling with the early death of your RIO, so he told me to keep an eye on you."

Kelsi nods, "So you're like my dad's secret agent?"

Maverick laughs, "In a way I guess."

Kelsi nods, "Cool." 

An alarm goes off on his phone and Maverick looks at his watch. 

"Oh shit, I have a meeting in like five minutes." He stands up.

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