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(WARNING: contains very sensitive themes of death if you have trouble with these themes please skip this chapter.)


"Fuck!!! Stop!" Kelsi cries.

"No can do." Rooster chuckles.

The two had been playing monopoly for close to two hours. Little did Kelsi know, that Bradley was a god at the game. He was currently taking all the properties that she had.

"Why are you like this?! Take pity on me please!"

Bradley laughs and has a shit-eating grin on his face while he takes her last property from her.

Kelsi flops backward and sighs.

"Look at that. I finally won something."

"Oh shut your trap, Bradshaw!"

"I'm just saying, I was going easy on you in everything else you won in."

"Shut the fuck up." She groans then laughs.

Suddenly the lights flicker back on and the room is filled with the sound of the theme of stranger things. Kelsi screams and jumps up, startled by the sudden sound.

Bradley laughs loudly, "I have never seen you move that fast on the ground." Kelsi pauses the TV show and glares at him.

"For your information, I can run really fast sooooooo." She flips him off.

"Sure ya can," Bradley says, teasing her. He starts packing up the game while Kelsi rambles about her being in track in high school.

"Ok ok, I guess I'll believe you."

She takes the game box from him. "Aw shut up. I know I've already impressed you enough."

"oh? have you now."

Kelsi puts the game in a cupboard and turns around hands on her hips. "Yep. I mean I got you with my flirty ways the other day."

Bradley walks forward slowly and puts his hands on the wall behind her. His hands were on either side of her head. He looks her up and down and then makes eye contact with her.

"I don't seem to remember that."

"Y-you don't? Because I coulda sworn I saw you blushing."

"Looks like the only person blushing here is you."

Kelsi tries her best to hide her blush but it is clearly there. "Shut up."

Rooster breaks character and laughs victoriously, pulling back.

"haha! I win!"


Without even noticing it, night had fallen. Kelsi and Bradley had talked for hours and were getting tired. The storm still wreaked havoc outside, so Bradley wasn't able to go home.

"I think I'm going to turn in for the night, where's the guest bedroom again?"

"down the hall and to the left first door open the left."

"Thanks, Kelsi. I'll see you tomorrow."

"Yep see ya." She stands up and goes to her room. The second her head hits the pillow she's asleep.


Kelsi sits up and looks around her room.

"The hell. This isn't my room."

Standing up slowly, Kelsi walks out of the room. She follows her hallway to where her living room is, only the hallway didn't stop. She walked for what felt like hours, but she wasn't able to find the room she was looking for. Suddenly she comes to a turn into the hallway which leads to a long hallway with doors on both sides. 

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