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"Smokin' we have eyes on four aircraft."

Kelsi nods, "Ok, just tell me how to get to Maverick and Rooster."

"Oh, no you don't understand. Maverick and Rooster are airborne."

Kelsi chuckles dryly, "Let me guess, they're in some shit box from the 80's"


Kelsi sees a blip on her radar as she gets closer to where the mission took place. The blip reads 'Rooster'.

Kelsi smirks and flies towards it, only to find Maverick and Rooster in deep shit with two fifth-generation planes.

Kelsi gets a missile lock on one of them and blows them out of the sky.

"What the fu-" Roosters voice comes through.

"Hey, guys! Love to talk but I have a situation! Go back to the carrier I got it!"


"Nope shut the fuck up Bradshaw!"

Kelsi flies past them, being chased by the last fifth-generation fighter. She decides to do the move she beat Maverick with at the beginning of training. Kelsi flies directly up towards the sun, pulling close to 9 G's.

"Ow! Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck!" Her rib probably re-breaking under the immense pressure. She hears a quick beeping meaning she has a missile locked on her.

"Talk to me, Jack." She squeezes her eyes shut and groans when she knows what she has to do.

She grunts, "Don't do this at home kids!" She stalls her engine and starts free falling out of the sky, successfully getting out of missile lock. She turns her plane back on and flies behind the fifth-generation fighter. She quickly gets missile lock and shoots him down.

"Holy shit!!!" Kelsi laughs and levels out.

"Dagger five is coming home." There's cheering behind the comms as she gets an answer.

"The runway is yours, just want out for the F-14 on the end of it."

Kelsi laughs and makes her way back to the carrier, "Ok?"

She quickly see what they were talking about. The giant fossil of a plane laying lopsided in the middle of the runway.

Kelsi laughs and quickly lands her aircraft. Not even bothering to taxi it, she jumps out and is immediately pulled into a hug.

"If you EVER do shit like that again I'm going to personally kill you!" Kelsi giggles and hugs Phoenix back.

"Yeah, I deserve that."

Everyone starts crowding around her. She smiles and gasps when she's lifted into someone's shoulders. Looking down she sees Hangman underneath her. She yells down at him.

"Sorry for taking your kills!"

"Eh, I got a lifetime to do cool shit!"

Kelsi looks around the crowd looking for one person. When she spots him, she taps Hangman's head.

"Let me down dip shit!"

Hangman laughs and sets her down.

Kelsi makes her way through the crowd getting tons of congratulations.

She would send them smiles or thank yous.

"That was some pretty fancy flying Kels!" She looks up and immediately runs to Rooster and jumps into his arms. She wraps one arm around his shoulders and the other is in his hair. She's holding onto him as tight as she can. Only leaning back to look at him. Her facial expression is a furious glare, Roosters smile fades into a similar look as hers. Kelsi jumps down and starts screaming at him.

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