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After a long night of drinking and catching up, the Top Gun graduates go to the dock that leads to the carrier.

"Please have fun but not too much fun." Broadway jokingly acts like a mother.

"Aw shove off." Kelsi pushes her away smiling.

Broadway smiles and wraps her arms around her best friend. "I love you, Kelsi. Come home to me ok?"

"I love you too and I will. I promise."

Broadway nods and pulls away from the hug. She then turns to the area Bradley is in, "HEY ROOSTER!"

Rooster slowly looks over from the conversation he's having.


Kelsi hides her face in her hands, embarrassed. Rooster gives her a 'Help me' look, and makes an 'OK' sign with his hand.

"Good." Broadway turns back to Kelsi who's still bright red.

"Uh, you wouldn't happen to know where Hangman is... would you?"

Kelsi gives the girl a sly smirk and points over at the man in question. "He's over there. Go kiss him goodbye or whatever you youngins do."

Broadway rolls her eyes and goes over to Hangman.


(I'm putting Hangman x Broadway in here cuz I low-key like them together)


Broadway makes it over to him and makes her dramatic entrance,  placing her hand on her forehead dramatically, "So ... this is it?"

Hangman turns to her with a small smile on his face, "It?"

Broadway loses the dramatic demeanor, "Yeah, you're going on the mission, I'm leaving once you come back. I will never see your handsome face ever again after this."

"Oh was this a one-time visit?"

"Yessir. As of the end of the week, this baby is headed to Hawaii." She smiles proudly.

"Well, have fun." He gets tapped on the shoulder by someone else and turns away from Broadway.

"Yeah uh... I guess.. bye." She turns around with a defeated look on her face. She makes eye contact with Phoenix and looks away. Already having said her goodbyes, Broadway starts to leave the docs.

SHe mutters to herself, "Stupid stupid. Ohh I'm going like a man I just met. Idiot."


She turns around to find the man on her mind running towards her. He stops when he's in front of her.

"What are you doing?"

Hangman fidgets with something in his hand. Broadway looks down at it and sees a piece of paper.

"What's tha-"

Stopping her mid-sentence, Hangman leans forward and hesitantly kisses Broadway. Her eyes widen for a second but she slowly kisses back. She wraps her arms around his neck as he wraps his around her waist, pulling her closer to him. Broadway slowly pulls away and looks at him with a dropped jaw.

"Was it too much?"

"Uh-... no just uh... you're like a really good kisser." Broadway giggles like a little schoolgirl.

"You're not half bad yourself."

Broadway looks down trying to hide her blush. Hangman places his hand on the side of her face and makes her look at him.

"I really don't want you to leave, but duty calls so here's my number." Hangman holds up the piece of paper he was fiddling with. "Maybe we can hang out before you leave?"

"Oh hell yes we will!" Broadway takes the paper from him and opens it. On the top of the paper is 'Jake (LOML) Seresin'.

"Seresin huh?"

"Uh yeah... mind telling me your name?"

"It's Blakely. Blakely Hale."

"Hot name for a hot girl." Jake smiles.

"Oh- I uh I've never really liked it."

"Maybe you should start." Jake leans down and takes her lips in his once more. 

Then the high-pitched scream of Kelsi comes, "HEY HANGMAN!! IF YOU SO MUCH AS SNEEZE THE WRONG WAY AROUND MY FUCKING WIFE I WON'T HESITATE TO END YOUR BLOODLINE!! TREAT HER WELL OR," Kelsi drags her thumb slowly across her throat and then mouths the word 'else'.

Hangman looks at Broadway with wide eyes.

"... Yeahhhhh I deserved that one." Broadway giggles.

(Ok Ok IK this ain't what you came for but like CMONNN THEYRE CUTE!)


Authors Note: Sorry for the shorter chapter today! Don't forget to comment because I love reading them!!! OH also don't forget to voteeee. AAAAAANNNHHYHWAY I hope you have an amazing day or night! Byeeee!

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