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Sorry for breaking the last chapter in half... anyway... hope ya like it!!


Finally, the last episode of season three plays and Bradley moves.

"Ok time to take a piss break."

Kelsi nods. The two go separate ways, Bradley to the bathroom and Kelsi to the kitchen to get food and beers. She takes the stuff back to the living room and sets it on the coffee table. She sits down just in time for Bradley to come out and sits back next to her. Hesitantly, Kelsi lays her head back on his shoulder. 

Rooster smirks and wraps his arm around her shoulder and mutters. "Cold huh?"

"Shut up." She shoots back and starts season four of the show. 

Everything is going good... until the end of the episode. Both of their eyes widen and Kelsi hides her face in his chest and yells, "WHAT THE FUCK!"

Bradley sits there shocked, "THEY MADE THIS FOR CHILDREN!?"

Kelsi, still hiding her face in his chest, cries out, "I hope the fuck they don't! I can't unsee it or unhear it!"

"Are you sure you want to watch this?"

Kelsi nods, "Maybe that's the only time they show someone getting fully fucking decked and snapped."

Bradley laughs at how she words it. "Ok, I'll start the next episode."


The two watch the rest of part one. Kelsi is practically on Bradley's lap at the end. Her legs are over his lap, her arms are around his neck, and her head is on his shoulder. His arms are around her waist holding her in place.

"... what the hell did I just witness?"

Bradley chuckles, "Uh I think we just got a little taste of what hell is like."

After he finishes that sentence, the power starts flickering.

"Aw hell now. Take the tall one! He's got more meat on his bones!"

"Hey shut the hell up!"

Kelsi laughs and curls closer to him.

The power keeps flickering for a few more seconds then it comes back on.

"Is it over?"

There's a huge boom of thunder and the power goes out.

Kelsi screams and holds herself closer to Bradley. "Fuck I hate the dark." Kelsi doesn't move.

Bradley holds her close, "You're safe Kelsi."

She nods and pulls her phone out turning the flashlight on. Slowly, Kelsi stands up shining the light in all directions.

"Ok Uhm." She walks to a window and looks outside at the practical monsoon happening outside. So focused on the glass that shows out to the street, Kelsi sees a shadow behind her and she whips around quickly and smacks whoever was behind her.

"Ow, what the shit!?" Bradley holds the side of his face.

Kelsi puts her hands over her mouth. "Sorry!"

"It's fine. Do you have any battery-powered lights?"

Kelsi nods and goes over to a drawer in her kitchen. She pulls out close to ten battery-powered lights. They both set the lights up throughout the kitchen and living room. Now that the room was lit, Kelsi and Bradley go back to the couch and immediately sit back how they were before. Kelsi pulls her phone out and sees tons of texts from Natasha. Most of them asked if she was ok. She smiles softly at the texts. Kelsi answers them and then puts her phone up.

"Looks like we have it entertain ourselves" She looks up and sees Bradley looking down at her.

"What do you have in mind?"


Authors Note: Hello thank you for reading this hectic as hell story!!!! Sorry for the shorter chapter! I hope you are enjoying it and all that fun stuff!! I'm kind of just word vomiting right now:)) It's been a long ass day not gonna lie. Don't forget to VOTE and COMMENT! ANYWAY I hope you have a good night or day bye!!

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