Bonus Chapter

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It was dark when Eleven got back home after she, Mike and Dustin were looking for Five. Back tracking to the tracks all the way back to the mancave/HQ. She was stuck not knowing what to do. She wants to get Will back, but Five is preventing them from doing so, but he says it not safe to, he has a point, there's a Demogorgon out there, who knows how powerful and fast, the bad men who gave Five his powers as well who's after him and faked Will's death, and then there's Lucas.

She sighs heavily and runs her hand through her hair. What have we got ourselves mixed up in? She was brought out of thought as she heard a knock on the door.

Terry: Sweetie are you okay?

It was her mother, possibly with her sister as well.

Jane: I'm fine Mom.

It was a lie if her voice breaking wasn't clear enough.

The door opens and just as she thought her mother and aunt walk in.

Becky: We both know that's not true kid.

Terry sits beside her daughter on the bed while Becky leans on the wall.

Terry: Is it about Will?

Jane: *sighs* Yeah and No.

Becky: Talk to us.

Jane: You wouldn't believe me.

Terry: Try us.

This is gonna be a long story but what else can she do.

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Becky: So let me get this straight. After Will disappeared, you guys went out to 'Mirkwood' to search for him, found a boy your age who Lucas thought was from the looney bin, he stays at Mike's while you guys keep it secret, he has powers to mess with things with his mind has bad people that are after him, he also tell you that Will is alive and hiding in this Upside Down from this Demogorgon and as you guys were looking for Will he messed with your compasses keeping you all away from the gate, correct?

Jane: I know it doesn't sound real but it is, I don't know if I should be happy that he's trying to keep us safe or upset that he's keeping us away from Will.

Terry: You said his name was Five?

Jane: We call him that because he has it tattooed on his wrist.

Terry: I mean it does sound crazy but to know something like this it could be true.

Becky: It sounds like a cheap version of It.

Terry: Why didn't you tell us?

Jane: Mike swore to secrecy about it. I'm just stuck on why he was keeping us away.

Terry: Because you guys are the first to show him that you all care and are friends. He's probably seen so much that it would be scary to lose someone.

Becky: You said Will disappeared at his house and found the boy near Will's.

Jane: Yeah.

Becky: Isn't that Department of Energy place there?

Terry: Yeah, and with armed guards from what news reports say. Is it possible that he escaped from there?

Jane: It could be.

Terry: I don't know how I skimmed over it but did you also mention that he was here in the house?

Jane: Yeah after the police found Will's body, Mike was upset so I brought him here, I didn't know where he could go.

Becky: So you're now sneaking boys in the house, I thought we had to worry about that after you got into High School.

Terry: And were the only adult who know about this?

Jane: Yes, as far as we know, we can't call the police.

Becky: Why?

Jane: He was wearing one of Benny's shirts when we found him and then the news announced Billy had died. Who's knows what could happen to us?

Terry: Bit of a pickle here. It is but what else can we do?

Jane: I know Dustin is gonna try to talk to Mike and Lucas, try to find Five but we still don't have a plan to find Will or how to beat the Demogorgon.

Becky: You said we can't call, but who said we can't talk. The other day when we talked to Joyce she was going on on how Will was alive and there was some creature that had no face in her house. We could tell Joyce, give her some closure that Will is still alive and we could contact him.

Terry: We still need to figure out how to find the gate and not be seen by the 'bad men'.

Jane: There could be a way but we'd need Dustin, Mike and Lucas, if we could somehow convince the police with this we could have some fire power but there's the Demogorgon, in D&D the only way to kill it is with fire but this is now real life, we never even seen it.

Becky: I think I can talk to Hopper about it. He's been seen alot with Joyce lately if she has a plausible story that links with ours he'll listen then.

Jane, is in deep shit and she knows it, she's just more surprised that her mother and aunt were on board for helping but she's skeptical about it.

Lucas's words rang though her head 'No, scwer you Jane! You're blind...blind because you like that a boys not grossed out by you.' He was right. Five was the only boy that she ever pain that kind of attention to, well other than Mike but she felt it was too gross for her. Does Mike feel the same, she doesn't know but what she does know is that she was wildly running because of Five, she enjoyed teaching him things, she'd love it, she'd love to show him around and not have him kept as a secret experiment. Life for all of them would be different after this. The party, her mother, her aunt, Joyce everyone associated with Will, their live have changed forever. Only a matter of time now.

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