Chapter 8: The Battle At Starcourt Pt.2

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The party all run away with Nancy, Johnathan, Mike, Lucas and Will escaping through a kitchen running through the back area while Y/N, El and Max did the same but escaping through The Gap service door into the hallway while both El and Max support Y/N as they limp away.

Max: Could this day not get any shittier?

El: We're still alive. After we beat the Mind Flayer, we find a way to fix Billy, then everyone can continue to live happy lives.

Y/N: I still have a few more months before I can be out in public.

El: I'm sure Hopper would talk his way into letting you go ahead and be free like the Snoball.

Max: First we gotta find the others and get out of here.

Outside, the others dash to Wheeler Wagon while Johnathan and Nancy fix the Ignition Cable with Mike, Lucas and Will hop in the back. On the other side of the parking lot Billy still sits in his car revving the engine. Once the cable is in Nancy pushes Johnathan to the driver side as she hold her Beretta.

Nancy: Get the car started.

Johnathan nods and rushes over to the driver side and tries to start the car but the engine sputters as Nancy walks over to the driver side not taking her eyes off Billy. Billy revs his engine one last time as he puts it into gear and tears off forward to the party. The boys panic and tell Johnathan to get the car started as Nancy fires two shots to warn him off but Billy continues. Nancy fires three more as more warning but Billy never stops. Nancy fires two more shot when the slide on the Beretta locks back, the gun is empty. Now is slight shock Nancy freezes as Billy continues to get closer. Until from the right, TODDFATHER crashes into him knocking him out while both Steve and Robin are stunned. Steve was ready to ask Robin if she's okay but a loud snarl gets their attention as for the first time they see the Mind Flayer.

Robin: Holy Shit what is that?

Steve: The Mind Flamer or whatever Dustin said, we gotta go.

The Wheeler Wagon starts as the party tell Steve and Robin to hurry so they can leave. Not wasting a second the two jump in the back of the car as Johnathan takes off from the mall with The Mind Flayer takes off after them.

Finally outside Y/N, El and Max leave the mall they were about to leave out a gate until Max and Billy lock eyes.

Max: Shit!

The trio turn to head back in the mall but with Billy in tow and Y/N still limping they all know the won't make it far. A few minutes of escaping the Mind Flayer and listen to Dustin and his now known girlfriend Suzie sing The Never Ending Story to get Planck's Constant the Min Flayer turns around.

Steve: It's turning around.

Nancy: What?

Steve: It's turning around!

Lucas: Maybe we wore it out.

Johnathan: I don't think so.

Mike: Billy must have told it to go back to the mall.

Johnathan: Shit! Hold on.

Johnathan breaks and u-turns and racesback to the mall. Back inside the mall the trio end up cornoring themselves. Max peaks and sees Billy making their way to them.

Max: Billy, you don't have to do this. Billy. Your name's Billy, Billy Hargrove. You live on 4819 Cherry Lane. Billy, please, I'm Max, I'm your...

Billy backhand Max as he moves over to El who rushes at him, he grabs her and throws her against a wall knocking her out as well. Billy makes hit way to Y/N who swings at him. Billy simply blocks it grabbing the boys wrist and twisting it and throwing Y/N against a wall knocking him out. Billy grabs Y/N and lifts him over his shoulder and walks away.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2023 ⏰

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