Chapter 7: The Bite pt. 1

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Rest of the story will be in parts cause they're extremely long. If I didn't put this in one part it's would have been 9k words

The main party now out of the basement are now in the cabin with Lucas and Johnathan barracading the entrances while the other sit around Y/N as he relays the story of Billy. A few hundred feet away the town festival goes off without a hitch and proves to be safe enough for them to hide.

Y/N: He said he was building something. That it was all for me.

Will: Building something?

Mike: Is he talking about the flayed?

Max: He must be. So, he's building an army, just like you guys thought.

Eleven: Yeah, but he's not building this army to spread. He's building it to stop Five. Last year, Five closed the gate on him. I have a feeling that really pissed him off.

Eleven: Royally. And the Mind Flayer now knows that he's the only thing that can stop him.

Nancy: But if he's out of the way...

Max: Game over.

Y/N: He also said he was gonna kill all of you.

Lucas: Yeah, well, that's nice.

A rumble could be heard by Nancy but it was much more rough than the fireworks.

Nancy: Do you guys hear that?

Johnathan: It's just the fireworks.

Nancy turns to Y/N as he notices the rumble as well.

Nsncy: Billy... When he told you this,
it was here, in this room?

Y/N walks out the cabin as he and the party see miles down the driveway trees being knocked over and the lights from the fireworks show a flesh version of the Mind Flayer storming his way down the path.

Y/N:He knows we're here.

【Stranger Things】
〔Chapter 7: The Bite〕

[Russian Base]

In the Russian Base Hallway a red cargo car speed down the hallway at its top speed. Becky driving with Erica and Dustin beside her as they finally make it back to the elevator with the drugged up Steve and Robin hit their heads on the grate in the cargo car.

Steve: Jesus, slow down!

Robin: Yeah, what is this, like, the Indy 500?

Steve: It's the Indy 300.

Robin: No, dingus, it's 500!

Steve: It's 300!

Robin: Let's say a million.

Erica: What is wrong with them?

Becky: I don't know.

Dustin: Becky, watch out!

Becky focuses in and notices that they finally make it back to the elevator screeching to a hard stop making the drugged up duo hit their head on the back of the grate.

Steve: Shit!

Dustin: You guys all right back there?

Becky: They're fine. Come on. We gotta go, now.

The trio run over to the the back and open the door to see the duo in a dazed yet confused yet dizzy state.

Becky: Come on! Get out!

Erica: Let's go!

Dustin grabs a hold of Steve and Erica grabs a hold of Robin as they help them exit the cargo cart and the walk them inside the cargo elevator. Becky hold the keycard she swiped from one of the guards and holds it to the keypad.

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