Chapter 1: MADMAX

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Welcome to season 2 I'm skipping the beginning for now for one reason. It wasn't really important to me. All it showed was the there was another escaped experiment. And I'm saying this now cause I hate that I know most won't do it but I've made a decision. So we all know by now that Jane/Eleven is a normal human being in this story, well in the last season I'd sometimes jump from Eleven to Jane in one sentence and I don't wanna do that this time even though I will but so here's the new plan. Eleven lines will be labeled as "Eleven" when she's with the party (Mike, Dustin, Lucas and Will *soon* Max) but with adults or others like Clarke or classmates it will be labeled "Jane" if I end up messing up later oh well. My book my rules. Now things are going to get alot different this season, I don't just mean script wise but plotline wise. I like the og plot but there's one character that died that I didn't want to and he sadly doesn't have much in this season and remember I'm following a teleplay it only shows the lines and noises. I'm using memory to rember who says what. Jeez man I feel like James A Janiesse right now explaining this anyway onto the Kill count oop I mean


Jane is currently in her bedroom counting the money she's bundled so far from her chores, doing jobs for the neighbors and probably the most cliché thing she never thought she'd do. *homework*

Jane: Okay, 10 dollars. (This was alot in the 80s, this would fill a gas tank in modern cars with those 70 cent prices)

Jane looks away from her money and stares at the corner. In that corner sat her belongs Five went through.


Eleven gets her bed ready as Five looks at a pile cluster in the corner.

Eleven: That's just some of my stuff I need to clean. It mostly clothes and toys. Five picks up a toy.

Eleven: That's my Knight Rider model. I made I myself.

Five: Night Rider?

Eleven: With a K.

Five puts it down and picks up another toy. Its a furry creature.

Eleven: That's Chewbacca from Star Wars.

Five: Star Wars?

Eleven: When all of this is over we're going to have a movie night so we can catch you up on being a kid.

Eleven continues to fix her room up as Five goes through the pile.

Five: What's this?

Eleven looks up. She shreiks and rushes over and snags it away from Five making him jump back.

Eleven: I forget there's alot you don't know. Listen there's some things that a girl has that you can't put your hands on. What you grabbed is one of them. Especially at our age.

Five: What was it?

Eleven: Ummm*blushes* maybe I'll get Mike to explain it.

Flashback end

She smiles softly and grabs her haul. She looks at herself in the mirror. Not much has changed about her. She got a hair cut not to long ago and fixed it to her liking (Snowball hairsyle, if you seen the show you know)

She grabs her walkie talkie and walks downstairs to see her mother and aunt sitting at the dinner table.

Jane: I'm going out Mom.

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