One-shot: First Valentine

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First One-shot.

Time: After Snowball
Bio: Valentine's Day
Timeline: Canon


It was Valentine's day in Hawkins Elementary and the school was in awe, secret valentines and what-not. It was fun for everyone but not for El. All day she had gotten a few handful of Valentine Day cards and one from secret valentines Mike but El was expecting one thing. Five. It was 10 minutes till school ended and she was biking straight to Hopper's Cabin. El eagerly watches the clock as the other student pack their bags to leave.

Lucas: Someone is oddly excited.

Max: I wonder why?

Eleven turns to see the party, most decked into the valentines decorations.

Dustin: She's has a secret.

Eleven: Dustin...

Will: Please most of us know about it.

El sighs and puts her backpack on the desk and opens it.

Mike: Holy shit!

Clarke: Michael.

Mike: Sorry!

Lucas: Is that...

Eleven: Yes.

Will: But aren't you...

Eleven: Yeah, I talked about it with Hopper.

Mike: How...and why?

Eleven: I talked to Five he told me he was getting me a present so I went out of the way to get him one.

Lucas: I wonder if his is expensive like yours.

Max: Why must presents to you boys be about money?

Mike: What's that mean?

Dustin: She means you idiots think that money will solve relationships issues.

Max: Presents hold a lot more meaning, it signifies love.

Eleven: Pretty strong word but yeah.


Eleven arrives at Hoppers cabin with the help of her mother. Once reached Eleven hops out of the car and rushes up the porch ready to knock but the door is opened by Hopper.

Hopper: He's in his room. Three inch minimum.

Eleven: Yes sir.

Eleven walks to Five's room and knocks on his door.

Five: Come in.

Eleven enters the room to find her new boyfriend, Five. His hair has grown in the last 6 months since the Lab gave him an identity as well as his height and grammer. Just a few months ago his hair was now running around in the front it would be past his eyes and in the back it would reach the nape on the boy, when she met him at Mirkwood he stood on 5'3, now he stands 5'6, taller than the other boys and as she and Hopper have been helping with his grammer.

Five: Happy Valentines Day?

Eleven: Happy Valentines Day and yes you've said it correct.

Eleven tightly hugs the boy as he hugs back.

Five: So me first?

Eleven: Actually I wanted you two open mine first.

Eleven holds out her backpack as Five takes a hold of it.

Five: I'm guessing it's inside the bag.

Eleven nods as Five puts the bag on his bed. He unzips the bag and notices something shiny in her bag. He looks at her and then back at the bag as he smiles and pulls it out. It a picture of them that Johnathan took at the Snowball.

Five: El.

The smile on his face tells that he loves the present but his smile quickly fades.

Eleven: Is something wrong?

Five doesn't respond as he places the photo down on the bed and walks to his dresser and opens it. He fishes out a wrapped present and hands it to her. She carefully unwraps the present and is at shock at what she finds. It's a picture of them in a photo booth. The smile on their face puts her in tears.

Five: There's a letter as well.

In his hand is a folded piece of paper. El takes, unfolds and reads.

Dear Jane,

This is the first letter I've ever written. I've really enjoyed our time together. Ever since I met you guys life changed but with you it's different. You're the first and only person who's ever made me feel this way and I'm glad to have met you. You've taught me so much about the world and I thank you for it. You have made me learn to small and enjoy life, and I thank you for it.

From, Five or Y/N or whatever your perfer.

Eleven wipes a tear from eye as she looks at Five.

Eleven: Short but sweet. I love it.

She tightly hugs the boy, so much to the point he can barely breath.

Eleven: Thank you so much.

Short chapter but you know, open to suggestions

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