K.Y.S || Terrible Terrible Day

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     It had started off well, really. When Talia woke up in the morning, she was in a good mood. Even when she slipped on a discarded napkin and fell on her butt, even when the shower head stopped running when she had shampoo in her hair, even when she found out it rained last night and her outfit which was out to dry was now soaked, and even when she got to work 15 minutes late because she missed the bus by a fraction of a second, Talia was okay.

     Her boss, on the other hand, was definitely not okay with her being late though. She told Talia that she would have to stay for extra time if this delay would cause her not to finish the work she was assigned.

     Talia sat down in her cubicle and set her bag aside to begin working. She was filling up the document faster than usual in hopes that she would finish on time to go home because if she is late, she would miss the bus that takes the shortest route to her apartment.

     "Hey Tal," she heard her coworkers greet from behind her making her roll her eyes; she knew from his voice that it was the annoying, boastful idiot that goes by the name of Jung Sungchan. On usual days, he was a normal guy with a terrible sense of humor, on bad days, however, he was an annoying brat.

     Don't call me that  she wanted to spit out, but she tried her hardest not to. Instead, she didn't reply at all and continued to type away. That wasn't enough to get the man to leave her though. 

     With a coffee in his hand, Sungchan walked and leaned against her desk, putting his hand on the document she was trying to read. Talia forced a smile and looked up at him

      "Hi," she forced out.

      "What are you working on?" Sungchan asked as he pulled the document to read through it. Talia pulled it back instinctively to which he acted surprised.

      "It has confidential information," Talia excused her action poorly, but she, herself, did not know why she was behaving this way. She was irritated initially, and perhaps she needed someone to point her fingers at.

     "We work in the same department, and I'm your senior," he chuckled as he flicked her forehead. She bit the inside of her cheek to stop herself from cursing. This brat was, indeed, her senior, but he was also 2 years younger than her. It didn't help that she was already stressed and couldn't handle his usual attitude. Sungchan was like this younger brother that she loved so much she wanted to drag his head against the concrete pavement.

     "I'm already running behind on work, so I would appreciate it if you leave me to it."

     "Oh, look at you acting all professional," Sungchan cooed, and she fought the urge to smack him. His nosy fingers roamed around her desk stopping at a picture she had of her with Yeosang. She could see him from her peripheral vision as she worked, and she prayed internally that he wouldn't comment on it. Not again.

      He did worse. Sungchan picked up the frame and analyzed it as he sipped his coffee. "Are you guys still together?"

      Talia almost choked on her spit at the audacity of the question. After a moment of recomposing herself, she let out, "with all due respect, I don't think it's any of your business."

      The way he laughed at her words made her feel awfully flustered. "Yeah, you are right, it isn't. I just haven't seen him around lately, thought that-you know- he went to buy milk or something." Another joke that never landed.

     This brat...

     "Leave, please," Talia spoke polite words but there wasn't a hint of respect in her tone.

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