J.Y.H || Pretty Single (Request)

428 12 24

Part I of the Christmas Specials

      It was today that Mai realized she had a neighbor.

      She didn't see him—or her—but she noticed a pair of eye-catching sandals left by the doorstep of the apartment right across from hers when she came home at 6 a.m that day.

       What a peculiar sense of fashion...

      While it is true that she has been living in this building for well over 6 months, believe it or not, being a nurse working the night shift, Mai never had the time to talk to any of her neighbors.

      That was about to change soon.
      A knock on her door woke Mai up from her evening sleep, and she opened it on auto-pilot, not registering anything until she was face to face with her landlord.

      Was her rent due?

       Surely not, she had only paid it last week.

      Before she could even vocalize her questions, the woman smiled at her warmly before inviting her to the Christmas eve party she would be hosting later this week.

       It's December already?

       It took Mai some time until she fully absorbed what was going on, and without even checking her schedule for that day, she agreed.

       Free food and an opportunity to meet her neighbors at last. It really didn't require much thinking.

      After promising she'd be there on time, she shut the door and let reality rain on her.

      Mai hasn't been to any social event ever since she moved to Seoul to work as a nurse.

      It isn't like she doesn't have friends, but all of them exist within her work domain which is quite limited due to it's timing.

        In a breath, she was preparing what she would wear and what she would bake to take along with her. It's as if she was waiting for this her whole life, and she couldn't wait for the day to come around.

       Perhaps she could finally know who owned those preacher sandals...

      When the day finally did come around, Mai wasn't surprised to know she was the first to come; she really was excited after all.

       She helped her landlord in setting most of the stuff, and while doing so, she got to know the old woman more.

       Apparently, her children who were around Mai's age all live abroad which made her grow lonely around this time of the year, and since most of her tenants are students and young people living away from their families, she wanted to soothe their homsickness alongside hers. Mai was beyond amazed by such compassion to say the least.

       When people finally started to pile in, Mai found herself too busy acting like a co-host to actually socialize, but really she didn't mind.

       In the midst of her bringing out more beer from the cabinet, she heard a person walk in.

       "Oh, gosh, let me help you," the (evidently) young man spoke before he easily maneuvered over her to grab the case from her hands and bring it down.

       Mai was not in need of the help, after all she grew up carrying stacks of hay around her family's farm on a daily basis, but it sure was refreshing to have someone treat her like a gentle lady.

      "Thank you," Mai breathed out as a fond smile decorated her lips before she turned around to see the man.

      "Where should I put it?" he asked, but Mai was too astound for a moment when she saw him.

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