J.Y.H || A Sailor's Love

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Set in the 1800s

      "Oh, lord, there she goes," the old lady whispered to her husband as she saw the familiar young maiden walk down the partially empty street.

     "Who?" the man asked as he rocked in his chair on the porch with a cigar to his lips.

     "That poor girl I told you about," the wife chastised from where she was hanging her laundry.

     "Oh, the sailor's love?" the man asked as he raised a brow to see the girl.

      "Love?" the wife tsk'ed. "He left her."

     "He did not, he is fulfilling his duties towards his country, it is only natural for him to leave, it isn't the first time either; he always comes back." The old man sat back in his seat with a shrug as he inhaled more of the smoke.

     "Well, he clearly wont this time. He should've been back months ago, you know what that me-"

     "Lovely morning, is it not, Madam Lim!" Yulhee's voice rang from across the street making the woman jolt in her spot.

     "G-Good morning, sweetie!" she uttered back with an awkward wave before watching the young lady skip her way out of her sight and into downtown.

      "Your concerns don't seem to be bothering her in the least," the old man sighed.

     "May I help you, sir?" Yulhee offered help to a familiar old man dragging a carriage across the pavement with a kind smile. Before even receiving an answer, she had dropped her shopping basket inside the carriage and raised her sleeves to help him.

     "Oh, my dear, don't bother yourself," the old man croaked, "it is too heavy for such a dainty lady like yourself."

     With a light giggle, Yulhee tightened the knot of the white scarf covering the top of her auburn hair before going behind the carriage to push it. "Oh my, you are the only person who calls me that. Where are you headed, sir?"

     "To the harbor, my dear," the old man spoke before grunting as he dragged the carriage acknowledging how the help of Yulhee proved very useful for him.

    "Great, I'm heading there too," she replied while concentrating on pushing the vehicle.

     "Are you waiting for that young sailor, what was his name?" The old man muttered despite knowing the man's name quite well.

     "No, my sir, I am not waiting for Yunho. I am going to the post office," Yulhee laughed.

     "I see," he grunted in reply. "Makes no sense for a young lady to waste her youth in waiting. He was supposed to be back 3 months ago, it is only fair that you let go of such hope now."

    Yulhee knew he didn't intend to hurt her with his words, but she found herself a slight bit taken aback. Her words caught up in her throat for a moment as her eyes darkened. "Excuse me, sir, I don't-"

     "Hey! Yulhee! Father!" Her words were cut by a familiar high pitch yell from above and looked up to see none other than the chimney sweeps who smoothly slid down from the top of a nearby house to catch up to them.

     "Wooyoung! San!" the old man greeted the two men covered in black coal from head to toe as they arrived and immediately positioned themselves at each side of the carriage to push it along them.

     "Don't you have work to do?" Yulhee asked curiously as she pulled her olive-green dress up to ensure she doesn't trip.

     "We were just done with the last job for the day," San replied with a delicate smile that juxtaposed his worn-out attire. "Besides, how could I let my father-in-law struggle like this when I am here."

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