K.H.J || Bastion of Ideals

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     "I'm just saying it's my first grandchild, you literally have no right of stopping me," the old woman shrugged nonchalantly.

      Nara could no longer contain her fury; her teeth clattered against each other as her jaws tensed. Her nails were starting to imprint shapes into her palms. She stopped herself and heaved out a sigh before displaying a forced smile.

     "You are right," Nara spoke making both her mother-in-law and her husband surprised, "you definitely should have the right to be there at the delivery room..."

     "Oh," the old woman let out caught off guard by the sudden agreement.

     "When your son is the one giving birth!" Nara spat out as she pushed her chair back and turned to leave. The old woman scoffed in absolute disbelief while trying to maintain her fragile pride.

     "Hey! Nara, wait!" She could hear Hongjoong yell behind her back, but she did not give a single damn. She grabbed her purse from the country and walked to the entrance to grab her shoes. She threw them on the floor, but then she stood there with a sigh. 

     Nara couldn't bend down to put them on. 

     She groaned loudly, even considering going out barefoot to the car before Hongjoong stopped her.

     "Nara, listen," he tried.

     "I'm not listening to this garbage, Hongjoong! There is no way in hell she will be in the delivery room with me, and that's fucking final!" Nara yelled out heatedly before shutting her eyes tightly feeling a headache brewing at the back of her head.

     "I know, I know," the man spoke as he reached out to grab her hand but she immediately pulled away as she massaged her nose bridge to ease the pain.

     "If you know, then tell her that, not me," Nara gritted out from behind shut teeth.

     "I will, and I already did. She is only saying this to pressure you into it, but there is nothing she can do to enter without your permission," Hongjoong reminded as he put a hand on her shoulder. She sighed in defeat realizing she let her anger get the best of her twice in one day. She rubbed her face.

     "You're right, I'm sorry," she exhaled before he pulled her into a gentle hug, cautious of her protruding belly.

     When he pulled away, she looked at him with a sheepish smile, "shoes?"

     "Huh?" he took a second to understand, but once he did, he immediately guided her to sit at a chair by the foyer before he kneeled to put on her shoes for her.

     "Tsk," they heard the old woman before they saw her figure at the end of the room. "She can't even put her own shoes on by herself! You are telling me she won't need help later?"

     "No, mother-in-law," Nara spoke with a fake happy tone, "I'm the one who is telling you I won't need extra help. There are already enough people in there."

     "Is her mother going to be there?" the old woman asked, and the couple knew where she was getting at. Again, talking as if Nara wasn't in the room.

     "Uh," Hongjoong started before Nara cut him off.

     "Yes," she said in an almost prideful tone, "yes, she will be there."

      "Oh, so she gets to be there, but I don't?!" the mother yelled out furiously.

      "Yes," Nara replied calmly, "yes, exactly. I'm glad we are finally seeing eye to eye."

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