C.J.H || Movie Night Madness

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  "So you hate me?" she spoke with her hand crossed over her chest.

     "I just said I don't find a point in watching a horror movie when you will one hundred percent be scared," Jongho laughed as he walked to the kitchen, but it did not seem funny to Kami.

      "How is that any different!" Kami argued as she followed the man while rolling her eyes.

     "I have scars to prove the difference," Jongho replied as he filled up a water cup with one hand as his other was raised in front of her showing a scar. "You freaked out last time and scratched me while you were at it."

     "Alright, still," Kami sighed, "that's the point of horror movies, the adrenaline rush!" Jongho looked at her sideways as he chugged down his water. He put the cup down after he swallowed it all.

     "I don't get why watching Heroine Disqualified again seems so bad to you?" Jongho questioned.

     "Because she ends up with that ass!" Kami yells back immediately. "Besides, we watched it 4 times in less than 2 months, I physically can't handle seeing Hiromitsu being dumped on his birthday again!"

     "Fair point, but still doesn't justify why you want to watch Midsomer," Jongho reasoned as he filled the glass with water again.

     "Because lots of people talk about how it messes with your morals-thank you-" Kami took the glass of water handed to her before continuing, "and it isn't a typical dark horror with jumpscares, so it must be worth the hype."

     "Hmm," Jongho considered as he leaned against the fridge while Kami drank her water, "so you won't freak out mid-movie?" Kami choked on her water as she snorted.

     "You make it sound like I do it every time, I only did it when Charlie's head was smashed against the telegraph pole!"

     "And when Mario died in the shower," Jongho reminded.

     "Y-yeah, that too, but it's just that-"

     "And when Jack ran after Wendy with an axe," he added.

     "Alright! Alright, I get it. But come on, aren't you curious about Midsomer? Everyone talked about it, even Wooyoung watched it!" Kami tried to bait the man as she put her cup in the sink.

     "I am not interested in cults in anyway, shape, or form," Jongho replied as he walked out of the kitchen with her following him.

     "But you can't deny it's interesting! Besides William Jackson Harper acts in it,"Kami said.

     "Whose that?" Jongho asked as he sat on the couch. Kami sighed and rolled her eyes as she plopped beside him.

     "Chidi Anagonye from The Good Place!" she said the name of the character from one of Jongho's favorite shows.

     "Are you serious?" Jongho suddenly picked interest.

     "Yes!" Kami replied enthusiastically.

     "Alright, I'm sold, let's watch it," Jongho finally agreed, and it made Kami jump in her seat as she hugged him.

     "Thank you!" she hollered.

     "Ok, ok," Jongho jokingly rolled his eyes before a smile took over his features.

     "I swear you won't regret it!" Kami swore.

     "Alright, I hope you don't either," Jongho replied as they both moved around to find a comfortable way of sitting before they turned on the movie.

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