S.M.G || Into Your Arms Again

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She breathed in the scent of bodies and booze till it made her head throb, but she didn't bother getting out of this place. Instead, Yuri drowned herself in the crowd till she could no longer tell her own body from the bodies pressed against hers.

She chose not to keep count of the glasses she was going to have tonight, but from how her vision was severely distorted; Yuri knew she had way too much.

At this moment, she couldn't even remember her own name from how wasted she was, and she loved that; she fought for so long to have nothing on her mind, and she finally achieved that.

Even if she looked like she didn't belong to a place like this when she came in, right now, she can't even tell who she used to be. She smiled like a dork as she dragged her feet across the floor trying to make her way to the bar through the sweaty bodies.

The silence in her brain seemed way more uncomfortable than she thought it would be, though, she realized as she stumbled out of the crowd at last. Still, it felt better than having him on her mind.

Him. She chuckled bitterly.

Oh, him. She frowned-

"-What can I get you, miss?" the bartender's question stopped her string of thoughts before it went somewhere it shouldn't have. Yuri was back to smiling as she ordered herself another glass to drown away this feeling nibbling at the edge of her mind. The drink was soon placed in front of her, and it didn't take long for her to chug it down.

At this point, she couldn't even stand up on her own, and the surge of happiness she got from her most recent drink was starting to fade away faster than she wanted it to, leaving her numb and nauseous. Yuri raised her hand for the barista to come again as she let out a string of inarticulate words in an attempt to say her order.

"Excuse me," a girl (younger than her it seemed) pushed her hand down, "I really don't want to interfere, but I don't think it's a good idea to have anymore."

Yuri found what the girl said to be very hilarious apparently. She laughed, and laughed, then looked down to see her messed up designer clothes...then laughed some more.

She never went to places like these, yet here she was drowned in the scent of liquor and the perfumes of strangers. What a joke she was. What a lame joke she has become.

Her laughter died down to meek giggles that soon faltered to a few dry chuckles before she looked up to meet the younger girl's eye.

"Y-yeah," she choked on her words as a sob threatened to break through, "you are right." Yuri tried to play it off with a smile, but that smile faltered the moment it was displayed on her soft lips.

Noticing the pity in the latter's eyes, Yuri immediately turned away to hide the tears in her eyes as she picked up her purse to leave only to be held back by her wrist.

"Wait!" the girl spit out in concern, "do you have someone to bring you home?"

Someone to bring her home...

Of course, she had that. She was Hae Yuri, the daught of Hae Haruki! She could have a red carpet rolled open just so her heels don't get dirty. What a question!

Yet, it still stands...

"I'll call someone," she bitterly let out as she wiped her eyes before the tears could drop. Before the girl could say anything more, Yuri had already left the place before the excruciating pain could tug at her heartstrings.

She intended to call her chauffeur, really, but Yuri was already really tired, and it was truly nothing else but muscle memory that had her ringing up his number.

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