C.S || Matching Tattoos

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     That was it, Meira was going to rip his throat out and write with his blood a detailed explanation of how she emptied out his guts and used them as a skipping rope.

     "What?" Wooyoung scoffed catching onto her fury, "did I lie?  It's logical for us to have matching tattoos because bros are for life, girls come and go!"

     "Come and go?!" Meira yelled back in absolute demonic rage, even her voice sounded like that of a devil, "I'll take you with me to hell!" She would've jumped at him where he was sat on the high stool if an arm didn't hold her back. "Let me go!"

     "Calm down, Mei," San spoke, "beating him up won't stop him from annoying you. Trust me, I deal with that daily."

      Wooyoung snorted as a smug smile decorated his lips. If Meira had truly calmed down 2 seconds ago, all that progress was lost upon seeing his smirk. I will bite off his ear and feed it to—

     "No, you won't be cutting off his hair,  ears, toes, or anything else," San interjected with a soft sigh.

      "Then I'll gouge out his eyeballs!" Meira yelled before breaking free and launching at the sassy brat.

      "Not the face!" Wooyoung wailed before she even touched him.

      "Guys, they'll kick us out of the arcade if you keep this up," San muttered before pulling the bickering duo away from each other. "Besides, you can't kill Wooyoung, he owes us drinks for losing the bet," San reminded her, and for some reason, that was enough to let the brat go. Meira needed a drink.

      "Hey, I didn't lose!" Wooyoung tried to argue, but San literally pulled out the receipts. The bratty man-boy finally bit his tongue. Meira followed the two idiots out of the arcade as they stralled around trying to find a decent place to drink. The trio ended up stopping at a familiar beer and chicken place because Wooyoung decided to be generous for the night– Meira was sure she wouldn't hear the end of it until next year; The chivalrous act of Jung Wooyoung the Generous!

     As they sat down, Meira ended up on one side of the table as the couple sat beside each other. Third wheeling even when I'm with my boyfriend, great!

      However, that wouldn't matter because a few drinks later, Meira was too wasted to even tell what her name was let alone who she was with. She could almost hear the two being indulged in a conversation about something she heard them discuss almost 5 times—5 times today that is, she has lost count of the overall total.

     "San..." Meira slurred a threat. The man finally snapped out and came to sit next to his wasted girlfriend. His concerned face told her she didn't look perpendicular at the moment. Is that even a word? Meira wouldn't know right now.

      "Are you alright?" San asked, and a part of her wanted to barf in his face to see how that would turn out. Way to ask the obvious question, dipshit. Just imagining it made her chuckle, and made him get weirded out. "I think we should head home, Woo."

     "Y-Yeah," the other male slurred as he picked his heavy head off the table. Meira nost definitely did not have the power to do that, so she extend her arms to San instead. It works every time–almost. San helped her up before turning around sharply in time to stop Wooyoung from stumbling into the waiter carrying a tray of drinks. Meira groans and rolls her eyes before walking beside San while leaning almost all her body on him. Marking territory.

     San held Wooyoung's wrist to make sure the idiot doesn't bump into anyone else as the trio left the restaurant.

     "Why are you holding his hand?" Meira nagged as she attempted to pull San away only for Wooyoung to pull her hair from behind.

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